Tarotscopes at Crystal Arts And Health are done by Cara E. Moore. She is a Crystal Healing and Herbalism Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher. She also has a Fellow in the Mantic Arts through the British School of Yoga and the New Age Foundation. She trained in Angelic Tarot with a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and Henry Seltzer, founder of Astrograph in Learn the Basics of Astrology.
The cards being used are the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine for angel affirmations and guidance, with astrological, crystal and herbal support information. Images used are all rights reserved by Radleigh Valentine, Hays Publishing, published 2012 and are being used under fair usage conditions. When using herbal aromatherapy products be sure to check for any contraindications with any medications being taken, any other herbal product being used as well as any existing medical conditions or allergies.
There is a four card reading for each of the Astrological signs. The first card is the spiritual theme for the month. The second card is for the 1st ten days of the month, the third card is for the next ten days and the fourth card is for the final 10 days of the Month. Scroll down to find your sign and that will be your January 2021 Tarotscope.

March 21 – April 19
The Hermit (Archangel Raziel)
Spiritual Theme: Spend time in quiet meditation. Spiritual teaching. Self-discovery. Raziel means “Secrets of God” and is associated with the planet Mercury and the ability to manifest dreams through positive thoughts. The crystals carnelian and Ametrine, the Third Eye Chakra and Sandalwood essential oil are associated with this card. The affirmation for this card is serving the Divine is a source of joy and blessings.
1st – 10th (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.” The essential oil is cherry. 11th – 21st (Six of Water) Memories from your history or childhood. Issues regarding children. Romanticizing the past. Affirmation: “I remain open to the belief that the best is yet to come.” The crystal Ametrine is associated with this card. The essential oil is Orange. 22nd – 31st (Five of Air) An unwise choice. Learn what you can from this situation. Review everyone’s motives. User and taker situation. Venus in Aquarius gives the energy to allow detachment to bring about a positive conclusion. Traditionally a “cut your losses card”. Crystals for this card are blue lace agate and rose quartz. The essential oil is Almond.

April 20 – May 20
The Hermit (Archangel Raziel)
Spiritual Theme: Spend time in quiet meditation. Spiritual teaching. Self-discovery. Raziel means “Secrets of God” and is associated with the planet Mercury and the ability to manifest dreams through positive thoughts. The crystals carnelian and Ametrine, the Third Eye Chakra and Sandalwood essential oil are associated with this card. The affirmation for this card is serving the Divine is a source of joy and blessings.
1st – 10th (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: “I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.” The essential oil is cherry. 11th – 21st (King of Water) Trustworthy, compassionate, respected, cultured. Open your heart and mind to those around you. Trustworthy and heartfelt advice. Charity work. Pisces and Aquarius. Archangels Michael (Angel of Fire) and Sandalphon (Angel of Pisces). Crystals Amethyst, Citrine, and Turquoise. The essential oil is Water Lily. Angelic advice is to use amazonite to stay heart-centered without compromising your boundaries. Calling on the Archangel Sachiel to help you stay emotionally balanced and optimistic. Affirmation “I open my heart to understanding the suffering of others.” 22nd – 31st (King of Earth) Generous, Professional, Responsible, Practical. A successful time. Confidently accept the opportunities you are offered. The Midas Touch. Virgo (Hardworking, Loves to Serve) and Leo (Likes the limelight, recognition for good works). Archangels Uriel (Ruler of the Element of Earth) and Metatron (angel of Virgo). Affirmation: “I manifest abundance with ease. Paying attention to detail, I lovingly share with those in my care.” Crystals are Fluorite, Green Aventurine, and Lapis Lazuli. Essential oils are Patchouli, basil, and cinnamon.

May 21 – June 20
Release (Archangel Azrael)
Spiritual theme: The end of a phase or situation. Spiritual Transformation. Time to move on. (Death card in traditional Tarot). Azrael means “Whom God Helps”. This Archangel is associated with the mythical bird the Phoenix. The crystals Tiger’s Eye and Jet, the Sacral Chakra and the essential oil Cypress are linked with this card. The affirmation for this card is transforming change is positive.
1st – 10th (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: “I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.”The essential oil is cherry. 11th – 21st (Knight of Earth) Loyal, dedicated, honorable, kind. Time to buckle down and get things done! Honor your commitments. A guardian angel. Element Air of Earth. Archangels Raphiel (Air) and Uriel (Water) Taurus and Aries. Crystals are Rhodonite and Rose Quartz. Essential Oils are Coriander and Eucalyptus. “I allow my efforts to shine through the work I do.” 22nd – 31st (Four of Water) Missing an opportunity. Discontentment or boredom. Open your eyes to the possibilities. Moon in Cancer. Archangel Gabriel (Ruler of The Moon and Cancer). May be shut down due to past experiences. Crystals are Selenite, moonstone and desert rose. Essential oils are Jasmine and ylang ylang. Affirmation: “I do not let my past dictate my future.”

June 21 – July 22
Unity (Archangel Sandalphon)
Spiritual Theme: Traditional viewpoints or methods. Spiritual organizations. Seek out mentors or like minded friends. Hierophant is the traditional card. Archangel Sandalphon delivers prayers from Earth to Heaven and is associated with the astrological sign Taurus ruled by Venus. The crystals Turquoise and Jade and the Throat Chakra and lime essential oil is associated with this card. The affirmation for this card is about grounding spirituality into everyday life.
1st – 10th (Nine of Fire) Don’t give up. Protect that which you’ve created. Have courage and believe in yourself. Moon in Sagittarius. Archangels Sachiel and Gabriel. The crystals Lapis lazuli and Selenite can help with protection and protecting personal boundaries. The essential oils are Frankincense and Jasmine. Affirmation: “I allow past disappointments to be forgiven and approach new situations with an open heart with healthy boundaries.” 11th – 21st (Knight of Water) Emotional, romantic, enthusiastic, contemplative. Falling in love or wedding proposals. The need to balance emotions. An invitation to a social event. Angelic advice is to use Chrysoprase crystal and ask archangel Michael to balance the heart chakra and make it more receptive to the needs of others. Scorpio (Water element, Archangel Gabriel) and Libra (Air Element, Raphael) Affirmation:“I allow myself to feel deeply and joyfully channel those feelings into creative pursuits.” Crystal is green Jade. Essential oils are Nutmeg and Rosewood. 22nd – 31st (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: “I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.” The essential oil is cherry.

July 23 – August 22
Unity (Archangel Sandalphon)
Spiritual Theme: Traditional viewpoints or methods. Spiritual organizations. Seek out mentors or likeminded friends. Hierophant is the traditional card. Archangel Sandalphon delivers prayers from Earth to Heaven and is associated with the astrological sign Taurus ruled by Venus. The crystals Turquoise and Jade and the Throat Chakra and lime essential oil is associated with this card. The affirmation for this card is about grounding spirituality into everyday life.
1st – 10th (Seven of Fire) Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground. Choose your battles wisely. Mars in Leo. Powerful needs to be relevant in the world and make a difference. Affirmation: “I have the courage to stand up for myself and those who are vulnerable.” Crystals are Red Jasper and Fire Agate. The essential oil is Cedarwood. 11th – 21st (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: “I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.” The essential oil is cherry. 22nd – 31st (Nine of Fire) Don’t give up. Protect that which you’ve created. Have courage and believe in yourself. Moon in Sagittarius. Archangels Sachiel and Gabriel. The crystals Lapis lazuli and Selenite can help with protection and protecting personal boundaries. The essential oils are Frankincense and Jasmine. Affirmation: “I allow past disappointments to be forgiven and approach new situations with an open heart with healthy boundaries.”

August 23 – September 22
Renewal (Archangel Jeremiel)
Spiritual theme: Review and evaluate. A favorable assessment of the facts. Time to move in a new direction. Indicated close to completing an important task. Traditionally known as the Judgment card. Jeremiel means “mercy of God”. Associated with the planet Pluto (planet of transformation), the element of Fire and a review of Life, the Archangel Azrael and the Crown Chakra. Crystals are Kyanite, Moldavite, Meteorite, Labradorite and Snowflake Obsidian. Essential oil is Cypress. Affirmation is “The divine spark within me grows stronger as I hark my calling and make choices that align me with my life purpose.”
1st – 10th (Page of Air) Logical, Honest, Impulsive, Curious. Challenging information. Delays or challenges to plans. Truth delivered without tact. Affirmation: “I ask all the right questions in a spirit of loving-kindness.” Crystal is clear quartz. The essential oil is Oregano. 11th – 21st (Seven of Fire) Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground. Choose your battles wisely. Mars in Leo. Powerful needs to be relevant in the world and make a difference. Affirmation: “I have the courage to stand up for myself and those who are vulnerable.” Crystals are Red Jasper and Fire Agate. The essential oil is Cedarwood. 22nd – 31st (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: “I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world. ”The essential oil is cherry. This card when paired with the Justice card is a reinforcing card associated with a decision point.

September 23 – October 22
Renewal (Archangel Jeremiel)
Spiritual theme: Review and evaluate. A favorable assessment of the facts. Time to move in a new direction. Indicated close to completing an important task. Traditionally known as the Judgment card. Jeremiel means “mercy of God”. Associated with the planet Pluto (planet of transformation), the element of Fire and a review of Life, the Archangel Azrael and the Crown Chakra. Crystals are Kyanite, Moldavite, Meteorite, Labradorite and Snowflake Obsidian. Essential oil is Cypress. Affirmation is “The divine spark within me grows stronger as I hark my calling and make choices that align me with my life purpose.”
1st – 10th (Six of Earth) Gifts of money, time, or effort. New career opportunities. Receiving a loan or paying off debts. The planet for this card is the Moon and Taurus. Crystals are Malachite, green aventurine. The essential oil is Ylang-ylang. Affirmation: “I give with a glad heart and receive gracefully.” 11th – 21st (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: “I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.” The essential oil is cherry. 22nd – 31st (Seven of Earth) Seeds well planted. A temporary pause in the action. Unnecessary worry. Saturn in Taurus. Patient nurturing growth through lessons to achieve goals. Affirmation: “I give myself the gift of perseverance.” Crystals are green aventurine and jet. The essential oil is Cypress.

October 23 – November 21
Balance (Archangel Zadkiel)
Spiritual theme: The need for balance and moderation. Cooperation and compromise. Wait for perfect timing. Traditional name is the Temperance card. Zadkiel means “righteousness of God”. Associated with the sign of Sagittarius and the element of Fire. Archangels Sachiel and Raguel. Heart Chakra, Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Crystals are the Golden topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst and Diamond. Essentials oils are Cedar, Nutmeg, Peppermint and Hyssops. Affirmation:”I’m on fire with the excitement of my own vision and wherever it takes me, I go with complete faith.”
1st – 10th (Page of Water) Intuitive, sensitive, artistic, friendly. A new person enters your life. A relationship begins a new phase. Heightened psychic abilities. Angelic advice for this card is to allow you to dream. Archangels Uriel (Guardian of the Earth Element) and Gabriel (Guardian of the Water Element) Crystal is Mother of Pearl. The essential oil is Hyacinth. “I am the master of my imagination, whether awake or dreaming, and I use it for the highest good of All.” 11th – 21st (Queen of Water) Tender hearted, Empathetic, Patient, Loving. Relationships develop to a new level. Trust your intuition. Care for yourself and others. Cancer and Gemini. Archangel Gabriel (Cancer) and Raphael (Gemini) Crystals are Pearl, selenite, and moonstone. The essential oil is Jasmine. If self-care is a problem, call on Archangel Michael for help to remain strong and healthy. 22nd – 31st (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.” The essential oil is cherry.

November 22 – December 21
Justice (Archangel Raguel)
Spiritual theme: Fair and just decisions. Do what you know is right. Stand up for your beliefs. Archangel Raguel is there to help when we find ourselves in a challenging situation and encourages reconciliation and compromise. The card is associated with the astrological sign Libra, the Heart Chakra, the crystals Periodot and Aventurine and the essential oils Rose and Ylang ylang. The affirmation for this card is about creating harmony and peace in all situations and relationships.
1st – 10th (Page of Water) Intuitive, sensitive, artistic, friendly. A new person enters your life. A relationship begins a new phase. Heightened psychic abilities. Angelic advice for this card is to allow yourself to dream. Archangels Uriel (Guardian of the Earth Element) and Gabriel (Guardian of the Water Element) Crystal is Mother of Pearl. The essential oil is Hyacinth. “I am the master of my imagination, whether awake or dreaming, and I use it for the highest good of All.” 11th – 21st (Queen of Water) Tender hearted, Empathetic, Patient, Loving. Relationships develop to a new level. Trust your intuition. Care for yourself and others. Cancer and Gemini. Archangel Gabriel (Cancer) and Raphael (Gemini) Crystals are Pearl, selenite, and moonstone. The essential oil is Jasmine. If self-care is a problem, call on Archangel Michael for help to remain strong and healthy. 22nd – 31st (King of Earth) Generous, Professional, Responsible, Practical. A successful time. Confidently accept the opportunities you are offered. The Midas Touch. Virgo (Hardworking, Loves to Serve) and Leo (Likes the limelight, recognition for good works). Archangels Uriel (Ruler of the Element of Earth) and Metatron (angel of Virgo). Affirmation: “I manifest abundance with ease. Paying attention to detail, I lovingly share with those in my care.” Crystals are Fluorite, Green Aventurine, and Lapis Lazuli. Essential oils are Patchouli, basil, and cinnamon.

December 22 – January 19
Balance (Archangel Zadkiel)
Spiritual theme: The need for balance and moderation. Cooperation and compromise. Wait for perfect timing. Traditional name is the Temperance card. Zadkiel means “righteousness of God”. Associated with the sign of Sagittarius and the element of Fire. Archangels Sachiel and Raguel. Heart Chakra, Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Crystals are the Golden topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst and Diamond. Essentials oils are Cedar, Nutmeg, Peppermint and Hyssops. Affirmation:”I’m on fire with the excitement of my own vision and wherever it takes me, I go with complete faith.”
1st – 10th (Five of Fire) Competing goals. Bothersome details. Conflict with others. Saturn in Leo. Archangels Cassiel (Saturn) and Raziel (angel of Leo) Crystals are Golden beryl, Hematite and Tiger’s eye Essential oils are Bergamot, Melissa and Sandalwood. Affirmation: “I am a winner.” This card when paired with the Temperance card is an opposing card associated with extremes and exploding apart. 11th – 21st (Three of Fire) Abundance! Things looking very good, have patience at this time. Make long-term plans. Sun in Aries. Archangels are Michael (Sun) and Camael (Mars/Aries). The essential oil is Cinnamon. Affirmation: “I get out of my own way and feel my connectedness to others in the process of giving birth to something new and unique.” 22nd – 31st (Four of Fire) Contentment, Peace, Abundance. A happy home life. The successful completion of a project. Venus in Aries. Archangel Anael (Ruler of Venus) and Camael (Ruler of Mars/Aries). Crystals are Ruby, Rhodocrosite, Pink Tourmaline and Rose Quartz. The essential oil is Rose. Affirmation: “I revel in the infinite abundance of being and open my heart to feeling the exuberance of being alive. I use any excuse to celebrate life.”

January 20 – February 18
Release (Archangel Azrael)
Spiritual theme: The end of a phase or situation. Spiritual Transformation. Time to move on. (Death card in traditional Tarot). Azrael means “Whom God Helps”. This Archangel is associated with the mythical bird the Phoenix. The crystals Tiger’s Eye and Jet, the Sacral Chakra and the essential oil Cypress are linked with this card. The affirmation for this card is transforming change is positive.
1st – 10th (Seven of Air) Plans need revision. More going on than meets the eye. Poor timing. Moon in Aquarius. Archangels Gabriel (ruler of the Moon) and Uriel (angel of Aquarius). Crystals are Amazonite, Lapis Lazuli, and Celestite. Affirmation: “I allow my higher self to edit thoughts for truth and to speak this truth.” 11th – 21st (Four of Fire) Contentment, Peace, Abundance. A happy home life. The successful completion of a project. Venus in Aries. Archangel Anael (Ruler of Venus) and Camael (Ruler of Mars/Aries). Crystals are Ruby, Rhodocrosite, Pink Tourmaline, and Rose Quartz. The essential oil is Rose. Affirmation: “I revel in the infinite abundance of being and open my heart to feeling the exuberance of being alive. I use any excuse to celebrate life.” 22nd – 31st (Six of Fire) Victory! Good News is on the way. Public recognition or awards. Jupiter in Leo. Crystals are Fire agate, Pyrite, and Lapis Lazuli. Essential oils are cinnamon, Orange, and Musk. Affirmation: “I allow courage to blend with humility and choose to stay heart-centered.” Archangel Sachiel (ruler of Jupiter) and Raziel (angel of Leo)

February 19 – March 20
Awakening (Archangel Gabriel)
Spiritual Theme: Look at things from a different perspective. A temporary standstill. It is important to be yourself. Gabriel means, “God is my strength”. Traditional Hanged Man card. Planet Neptune and Water element. Crystals are Amethyst, lepidolite, coral and aquamarine. Need to reduce the blame and judgment levels otherwise the “limbo” this card brings will last longer. Essential oil is Ylang-ylang.
1st – 10th (Seven of Fire) Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground. Choose your battles wisely. Mars in Leo. Powerful needs to be relevant in the world and make a difference. Affirmation: I have the courage to stand up for myself and those who are vulnerable. Crystals are Red Jasper and Fire Agate. The essential oil is Cedarwood. This card when paired with the Hanged Man card is an opposing card associated with defiance and struggle against. 11th – 21st (Six of Air) Things are looking up. The end of a difficult situation. Taking a trip. Mercury in Aquarius. Archangels Uriel (Angel of Aquarius) and Raphael (Ruler of Mercury). The gemstone is Kyanite. Scents associated with this card are fresh snow and the Northwind. Affirmation: “I clear my mind and open it up to perceive the bigger picture.” 22nd – 31st (Ace of Fire) An exciting new opportunity. Career advancement. Change your life now! Affirmation: “I am powerful.” The crystal for this card is Citrine and the essential oil is Frankincense.
Have a great month!
Thanks for reading the January 2021 Tarotscope. In addition to knowing your Sun Sign, knowing your Moon and Rising sign is useful for a more in-depth reading. This can be found out by knowing the time and place of your birth. Sites like Astrodienst and Astrology.com offer free birth charts. Once these are known read the corresponding Astrological sign reading.
I hope everyone has a Blessed New Year 2021. Happy Imbolc (February 2nd 2021) in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Lammas, in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse will be the energies in place till the next Solar and Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, November 30th, Gemini, 8° 38’
This lunar Eclipse gives an added push to make needed changes in life. Decisions will be emotion driven about issues that have brewing with an emphasis of things not working is regards to communications, structures and means of transportation. There is also a need to balance Gemini focused needs of the lower mind (local environment) and Sagittarius focus of the higher mind (beyond local issues). This Lunar Eclipse occurs at 8 degrees and 38 minutes of Gemini, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 4 to 14 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.
New Moon, Solar Eclipse, December 14th, 2020 Sagittarius 23°09´
This Solar eclipse conjunct Mercury is associated with thinking and communications and short distance travel and mental alertness and being adaptable. The Solar Eclipse trine Mars increases energy and enthusiasm for new projects and goals. The Solar Eclipse square Neptune is associated with weakness and insecurity and deception and being prone to illness and infection. Mercury square Neptune is linked to deceptive thinking so there is a need to be concise and clear in business dealings.
The Constellation Ophiuchus is associated with unseen dangers and poisoning. This constellation is also called Aesculapius which rules medicines, prudence and wisdom and healing herbs and skills for curing the bites of poisonous serpents. The fixed star Rasalhague (Serpent Holder) has the energy nature of Saturn and Venus. The Sun conjunct Rasalhague is linked to being reserved and studious. The Moon conjunct Rasalhague is associated with religious matters and abundance. This is an aspect associated to being prone to infections and epidemics. The Fixed Star Lesath (sting of the Scorpion) has the energy of Mercury and Mars with keen insight as well as being associated with danger, desperation and acid poisons. Being mentally alert and assertive will help limit deception and fraud.
New Moon January 13th, 2021 23°13′ Capricorn
The New Moon Conjunct Pluto enhances personal power and manifestation but this intensity can lead to power plays and power trips. Enemies may take this opportunity to make their evil plans. The Pluto energy enhances the ability to see secret motivations, obsessions and addictions and find the source of relationship problems. Taking time to step back and view the situation will allow a new method of dealing with difficulties that will enhance self-esteem. This New Moon also favors making repairs and eliminating clutter. The Mars square Saturn is associated with frustration and being inhibited and resistance to goals may be experienced. It is recommended to concentrate on current goals than trying to start new projects.
Jupiter square Uranus is associated with sudden changes in fortunes or life direction. Choose actions carefully and only take moderate risks to achieve changes. Mercury square Uranus is associated with the unexpected news that requires plan changes and being upset and nervous. Life speeds up but with this energy, a different approach can lead to creative ideas. Venus trine Uranus enhances affections and is associated with financial gains. The Retrograde Experience Triangle formed by this New Moon aspect is that complex experiences lead to needed learning and development. Hard work will be needed to address ingrained problems.
The New Moon in the Sagittarius Constellation brings the energy of optimism and adventure through travel and philosophy and is a good time for setting goals. The Star Iota Sagitarris in the foot of the Archer has Jupiter and Saturn energies associated with legacies, inheritance, and fame but it is not a good energy for love affairs. This New Moon alignment in the Constellation Aquila, The Eagle has a Mars and Jupiter energy associated with strong passions, influence, clairvoyance, and a cosmopolitan approach. This New Moon aspect in the Constellation Pavo the Peacock is associated with vanity, display, long life, and fame. This New Moon energy may bring a crisis as well as providing a solution that brings harmony.
Full Moon January 28th, 2021 9°6′ Leo
This Full Moon emphasizes the balance between personal creative expression and the Ego (Leo) and the Impersonal (Aquarius) with an enhanced focused on the individual and functioning in a team. This Full Moon occurs when the Sun aligns with Jupiter which is associated with optimism and courage to follow our heart’s desire coupled with the realism of Saturn’s alignment. The square with Mars requires caution for aggression and impulsiveness. This Full Moon aspect affects people with personal planets and points at approximately 5 to 13 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most notably.
In January Uranus (ends January 14th 2021 and Mercury (starts January 30th) are in retrograde.
Uranus Retrograde August 15, 2020, to January 14, 2020 10° Taurus to 06° Taurus
Positive features of Uranus are intuition and being original. During retrogrades it is more difficult to be yourself without causing problems for others and yourself. Anxiety, spasms, and nervous conditions and changes in personality can be symptoms of internalizing the energy associated with Uranus. During this time it is possible to make internal changes to be able to manifest outward changes when the retrograde turns direct. The objective should be how to be yourself without causing difficulties that may alienate you from the community.
Mercury Retrograde January 30th to February 20th 2021 27° Aquarius to 11° Aquarius
This Mercury retrograde is in the Air Sign Aquarius and is associated with lots of ideas. Venus and Saturn are aligned in Capricorn which likes a slow but steady approach. Jupiter is expansive and Saturn is about boundaries and Uranus wants to make change now. These vying forces will make transitions on a personal and community level at an uneven pace. Aquarius energy is about learning new skills, especially those involving technology. It is also a social energy that likes to connect to other people in friendships and in groups so finding ways to connect will be beneficial.
For a list of Astrological Events in 2020
Astrolabe does a planet Astroweather transit reading based on the birth chart. https://www.moontracks.com/retro2021.html?Month=01 lists monthly retrogrades. One question Celtic cross readings are available via the Crystal Arts And Health website and the Bmystic Shop has a selection of readings, Three Mode Spread, the Triskele, Lunar Reading, Celtic cross readings and Year Ahead readings. Cara E. Moore, BSYA (Crys.) (Herb.) FMANF, Yoga Teaching