Accounts Payable

A Nathan Vallor Investigation

Book Cover: Accounts Payable
Part of the A Nathan Vallor Investigation series:
Editions:Paperback - First: $ 12.00
ISBN: 978-1496196859
Size: 15.20 x 22.90 cm
Pages: 206


Accounts Payable is the pre-quel to Haven of Danger: A Nathan Vallor Investigation. This is when Nathan first meets his future fiancée Jillian Hudson when he investigates Jillian's husband's death at the bequest of Nathan's sister Anne to keep an eye on her. It takes place in Richmond, Virginia, Nathan's hometown. He manages to protect the innocent and bring the bad guys down and narrowly avoids getting his own ticket punched in an accounting coverup that involves credits of money and debits of murder.




(Prequel to HAVEN OF DANGER:  A Nathan Vallor Investigation)

A Nathan Vallor Investigation


Nathan Vallor, Private Investigator, walked across the airport terminal to where his sister, Anne, waited for her flight to New York.  Richmond International Airport (RIC) was known as Byrd International Airport.  It was a small domestic-flight airport with big dreams.  Richmond, Virginia was becoming a convention town and the airport was expanding to accommodate this new status.

Anne was dressed in a business traveling suit of sorts, the expensive version.  Her trip to New York was a glorified shopping trip combined with business for the Chamber of Commerce.  Conventions and public relations for convention cities were the topics for the workshops there.


His sister always made a statement in the way she dressed and handled herself.  From her bobbed blonde hair and emerald-colored eyes to her choice in footwear.  He felt like a poor relation.

“Thanks for seeing me off, Nathan,” Anne said giving him a peck on the cheek.  “Too bad you can’t take some time off.”

“I’m preparing for a new case,” Nathan replied.

“Out of work again, huh?”

“Yes, but ready for that call.”

Anne smiled.

“You’ve already checked in your luggage?”


“I wonder if it’s raining in New York?”

“I’ve got my travel rain coat in my bag.”

“Good.  I’ll drive by your place and make sure everything is okay during the week.”

“Thank you, Nathan.”

It was times like these that he felt like the seven-year-old holding his four-year-old sister’s hand.  They had walked hand-in-hand up the sidewalk of their Aunts’ house to live after their mother had died.  Now they stood next to each other at the airport window looking out at the wet tarmac.  Anne’s plane was pulling up to the door.

“Is there anything else I can do?”  Nathan asked.

“There is something.  You remember Jillian Hudson?”

“Yes.  She was at the Christmas party you had.  Works as a travel agent downtown.”

“And been my best-friend since second-grade.  Her husband has just died in a car-wreck.  He was an accountant downtown.   The Police think it may not have been an accident.  If you could, call and see how she’s doing.”

“Sure,” Nathan said.

“Here’s her number.”

Anne wrote out the address and number on a slip of paper.

“I’ll have to go join the line at the door now.”

Nathan gave her a hug.  He watched her disappear into the accordion-like tunnel onto the plane.

He looked at the address Anne had given him.  It was in Southside Richmond.

He got back on Rt. 60 and stopped at the Burger King in Sandstone before getting on Rt. 64 back to Richmond.  Two o’clock in the afternoon, he crossed the Manchester Bridge to get on Hull Street.

Jillian lived in a trendy complex off Hull Street, passed the run-down area on the other side from downtown.  There was a 7-11 across the apartment where Jillian lived.  A tall area of field-grass separated the complex from the road.

Nathan pulled into the 7-11 and reached for the slip of paper and dialed Jillian’s number from the payphone.




“This is Nathan Vallor, Anne’s brother.  Anne asked me to check to see if you needed anything.  She told me about your husband.  I’m sorry.  I believe I met him at the Christmas party Anne had.”

“Yes, he was there.  Thank you for calling.  Anne said to call you if I had any more problems.”


“It’s hard to explain it over the phone.  It might not even be true.”

“Would you like to talk about it?  I’m right across from you apartment at the moment.”

“That would be great!  Thanks.”

“Okay.  I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Nathan parked in the visitor’s spot at the complex’s main office and walked down to Jillian’s building.  It was an over-cast day, and smelled like rain.

He could see Jillian at the balcony door.  She drew the curtains part-way.  He climbed the concrete and metal steps to the second-story apartment, knocked at the door and waited.  There were three other doors on this landing, all with peep-holes.

Jillian opened the door gingerly, a chair just the right height for placing under the door handle stood next to the door.

“Thanks for coming over,” Jillian said.  “Please have a seat.  I feel like I need a cup of tea or something hot.  How about you?”

“Sounds good.”

Jillian looked drained, but there was something else.  Worry.  Nathan noticed how she kept biting her lip and wringing her hands and how when she talked she looked around the room.  She was scared.

Nathan headed across the apartment’s front room toward the bleached pine sofa.  It was upholstered in a blue chintz material with solid-colored throw pillows in rust and blue.  A Dhurrie rug accented the center of the room.  By the wall next to the door, was an entertainment center with a combination television and DVD/VCR, compact disk-player, and framed pictures of family members.  On the other was a computer desk, complete with fax, and printer.

Jillian brought the tea tray in and rested it on the pine coffee table in front of the sofa.  Nathan sat down on the sofa.  The butt of his .38 Police Special was visible in its shoulder holster as he unzipped his blue windbreaker.

Jillian poured out tea into the cups and added cream to her own and asked, “Milk or sugar?”

“Just one cube of sugar, please.”  He took the cup from Jillian.

“Help yourself to the cookies.”

Nathan took a round digestive-type biscuit from the tray.  It looked like the biscuits he had been served in England during his visit there.  He had done a lot of traveling around while stationed in Germany.  There was an option to pick-up these types of cookie biscuits in Midlothian not far from Jillian’s apartment.

“Thanks Jillian.  When did you notice you were being followed?”

“The day Gary was killed.  I gave him a ride to work the previous day.  He had his car in for maintenance work.”

“Did he do this regularly?”

“Yes, he was very routine in his habits.”

Nathan nodded.  Anyone familiar with his habits could have had the means to disable the car.  He would check out the car repair shop and look into the type of contracts the Accounting Firm handled to narrow in on who might have benefited from Gary’s death.  The Police would be following a similar line of investigation, but he would be able to do a more thorough job, seeing he didn’t have anything else pressing to do at the moment.

“What kind of contracts did your husband handle?”

“Mainly corporate accounts, and some defense contracts out of Washington D.C.,” Jillian said.

“Defense contracts?  Did your husband have any government clearance?”

“Yes, but he dealt with figures, nothing dangerous.”

Nathan knew scores of people who had nearly died or been killed who had thought the same thing.

“Did he happen to mention any problems he was having?”

“You sound like Detective Ritter.   Did he have any enemies?  Were things going okay at work?  I don’t really know.  It was a part of his life I knew he couldn’t share.”

“I know Detective Ritter,” Nathan said.  “The Police are trying to establish motive.  Tell me more about the car accident.”

“I can’t see how it happened,” Jillian said.  “Gary was such a careful driver and he’d just had the car in.  Someone must have tampered with the car.  I told the detective the same thing.”

“What about someone being in your apartment?”

“He said he’d make a note of it.”

“Was anything taken?”

“No, things were just moved around a bit in this room, the pictures over there and in our room the drawers were churned through.  I notice these things.”

“You’re orderly?”

“Somewhat,” Jillian said taking a sip of her tea.  She clutched the mug and placed it on the flower coaster on the table and said, “I work from home sometimes on brochures and bookings for the agency.  I have a fax and printer and my computer.  Gary has, had, an office in the other bedroom.  I like to have everything a certain way.  It helps me work.”  She picked the cup again and clutched it.

“Did Gary bring work home?   Something someone might want to get their hands on?”

“I don’t know.  I didn’t even think to look in his office.”  Jillian put her cup down, rose, and went down the hall.

Nathan knew someone wanted something that Gary had for him to have gotten his ticket punched.  He looked around the front room.  There was a certain amount of sophistication here and enough things for the average burglar to want to take.  Objects, gathered from Jillian’s travels, he presumed, were displayed on the book cases and a couple of little shelves.  Yet there was also a wholesome cultivated homey feel to the apartment.  It was the kind of place that made you hope you’d wiped your feet when you came in.

“I didn’t see anything missing.  The desk drawers are still locked,” Jillian said returning to the front room.

“Whoever was in here wanted it so you wouldn’t notice it.  Since they are still following you, they haven’t found what they’re looking for.”

“Do you really think it’s possible?  Maybe it’s just a case of nerves.  The shock that Gary is dead.”

“The fact that Gary’s death is suspect and the nature of his work.  I think it’s possible.  I know I always listen to these kinds of feelings.”  Not to mention it was probably the reason I’m still alive, he thought.

“I’m pretty sure about the apartment and being followed.  I’ve traveled quite a bit and trained myself to be alert.  I can feel when something is out of place.”

“I think you should go somewhere safer,” Nathan said.        “I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Gary’s death was no accident.  You’ve got to be careful.  Have you eaten anything recently?  It’s important to eat properly when you’re feeling stressed.”  Nathan also knew eating brought a sense of normalcy to a situation.

“I haven’t eaten.  I should know.   I work as a travel agent.  Whenever I travel, I make sure to take my vitamins and to eat well.”

“Good,” Nathan said.  “I could look into things if you want, and keep an eye out for you, see if I can spot who’s been following you.”

“I’d like that,” Jillian said.  “I’ve already packed a bag ready to leave.”

Jillian went into the bedroom and brought the flight bag and purse into the front room and placed it on the sofa.  She dug into her purse and pulled out a Soft Puffs Purse Dispenser and said, “I’m all ready to go now, I can’t believe I have to leave here,” she sniffled.  “I know it’s the best thing to do.”

Nathan knew the strain of the death of her husband as well as the thought of being in danger was too much.

“I’ll take you wherever you want to go.  You can come back for your car.”

“Thank you,” Jillian said picking up the tissues to put them back into her purse.  She stopped and looked at the packet.

“What’s wrong?”

“There is something in here,” Jillian opened the cover.  “It’s an usb flash drive with a note attached to it.”

Jillian opened up the note and read it.

Dear Jillian,

If you are reading this note, something has probably happened to me.  During my initial audit, I stumbled on a different set of books on a guarded file.  Curious, I broke the code and printed a copy of the information.  This info is on this disk.

The government has already started a preliminary investigation of the firm and an agent approached me sounding me out; probable at first to see if I was involved.

Below I have listed his name and number.  I hope you will be safe.  Turn the matter over to the agent.

I love you forever.  Gary.

“It’s from Gary,” Jillian said handing him the disk.

“We need to get out of here and make a copy of this.”

“Okay.”  Jillian stood up and walked over toward the balcony to pull the curtains together.  The glass door was secured with a broom handle.  She held back the edge of the curtain and looked out.  It had gotten dark and was raining.  The water dripped down the balcony door in streamlets.  The blue sedan was parked in the 7-11 parking lot, to the left, out of the bright store lights.

“There’s the sedan again,” Jillian said.

Nathan looked out of the window and said, “You stay here.  Be ready to leave.  I’ll go over and have a look around.  If I’m not back in fifteen minutes, call the Police.”

“All right.”

Through the rain-splattered glass, Jillian watched Nathan walk across the grassy field to the convenience store.  After he made it to the store, Jillian walked over to the hall closet next to the apartment’s front door and got out her Kelly-green rain slicker.  As she was closing the closet door, she noticed the front door knob turning back and forth slightly.  She had forgotten to put the chain on and the chair back under the knob.

Quickly she lunged for the door, turned the deadbolt and put the chain on as quietly as possible.  Looking through the peep-hole she glimpsed a red jacket.  It wasn’t Nathan.  The chain and deadbolt wouldn’t hold the intruder for long – he could break in.

Jillian raced to the sofa, grabbed her bag and purse and dashed to the balcony door.  She tugged at the sawed-off broom handle.  There was the sound of the chain catching the door.  The door closed.  Jillian took the broom handle, flung open the balcony door and hurried out.  She pressed herself against the balcony’s side rail, out of the direct light of the apartment.  She struggled into the rain coat.  The rain slapped against her face in a tingle of pain.  She slipped her purse into her bag and threw the strap diagonally across her shoulder.

She looked across the field to the lighted store, and saw no signs of Nathan.  It would be just a matter of time before the intruder followed her.  She had to jump.

Jillian threw the broomstick over the side of the balcony onto the grass, climbed over the balcony rain and let herself hang from the bottom edge.  She eased her hands from the rail onto the pavement section of the balcony.  Her wet, cold fingers scraped against the jagged concrete.  Dropping onto the grass below, she picked up the broomstick and started to run for cover.

Tearing through the grass, someone grabbed her and clamped a hand over her mouth.  “It’s me Jillian,” Nathan whispered, releasing his hand.  “My car is parked by the office.  Let’s get out of here!”

Jillian and Nathan raced back to Nathan’s blue Chevy Blazer and headed north along Hull Street towards downtown.

Nathan turned to Jillian and said, “I got his license plate number.  The car was empty.  I was walking back when I saw you on the balcony.  You okay?”

“Yes,” Jillian replied.  “I scraped my hand, coming off the balcony.”

“We’ll go back to my place and fix that up.  I’ve got friends who can help us out.  These people are getting serious.”

Jillian nodded.  Her teeth chattered.

“Can you reach the blanket in back?”

Jillian took off her drenched raincoat and put it on the floor at her feet.  Then she reached behind her and found the blanket.  She covered herself with it and looked out at the road before them.  The windshield wipers slapped back and forth, sweeping the driving rain from view.

The hot tears streamed down on Jillian’s face, undisturbed.





Crystal Healing & The Chakra System

Book Cover: Crystal Healing & The Chakra System
Editions:Paperback - First: $ 14.00
ISBN: 978-0955539435
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 54

Crystal Healing & The Chakra System by Cara E. Moore, BSYA (Crys.) (Herb.) is about crystal healing using the Chakra System and includes identification pictures and descriptions of crystals, using the pendulum and crystal healing grids as well as meditations with crystals.


History of Crystal Healing

Ancient Egypt

The Ebers papyrus (Egypt) states the

medicinal uses of many different healing

gem stones. Healing with crystals is also

recorded in India's Ayurvedic records and in

traditional Chinese medicine from around

five thousand years ago.

Celtic Circle of Life

Celtic tribes in Britain from as early as

2,000 B.C., were unified by a priesthood

known as Druids. Druids are one of the

earliest known peoples to have used

crystals in divination.

“Our health, in shamanic terms, is the result of our

empowerment, or lack of it. It is the result of our ability or

inability to tap into the flowing light of creation.” Celtic


Clear Quartz Pendulum

Crystal Healing uses the Chakra System to

“view” what is happening within the energy

centres. By using a pendulum to test the

sluggishness of a Chakra (by how freely the

pendulum rotates) a “reading” can be taken

and an appropriate crystal prescription can

be made. Chapter 2 describes the Chakra

Systems and what each chakra energy centre influences.

Rose Quartz Wand

A crystal Wand is used to unblock

Chakras and release negative

energy, used pointed up and circle

counter-clock wise to release negative energy and use

pointed down and clock wise to put positive energy into the

Etheric Body, which is the Auric copy of the physical body.

Chakra Clear Crystal Wand

This wand combines Chakra Crystals and Clear Quartz wand for use of the “master healer” clear quartz and extra

boost of Chakra stones.

Seven Major Chakra Systems

Chapter 2

Crown Chakra – Clear Stones

Brow Chakra – Purple Stones

Throat Chakra – Blue Stones

Heart Chakra – Pink or Green Stones

Solar Plexus – Yellow Stones

Sacral Chakra – Orange Stones

Root Chakra – Red and Black Stones


Located at the base of the spine.

Colour is red (life energy) or black

(signifying stability or grounding).

Governs adrenal glands, it looks after our bones, teeth,

nails, spinal column, anus, rectum, colon, prostate

gland, blood and cell building, circulation. Concerns

about security, money, survival, individuality. (Root


Base Chakra gemstones are mostly red and black,

including: Bloodstone, Red Coral, Garnet, Haematite,

Brown Jasper, Red Jasper, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz,

Ruby, Black Sapphire, Red Tiger Eye, Black




Located at about three inches below

the navel. Colour is orange

(representing creativity and wisdom

Sexual organs, pelvic area, kidneys, bladder, body

fluids. The sacral chakra is associated with our

relationships with others, our ability in giving and

receiving, sexual / passionate love, and our creativity.

Sacral Chakra gemstones are mostly orange,

including: Amber, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Citrine,

Orange Coral, Goldstone, Orange Jasper, Orange

Sunstone, Tiger Eye and Topaz.



Located just below the ribs. Colour is

yellow (presenting thought and selfdetermination).

Pancreas, lower back, abdomen, digestive system,

stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and nervous system.

The solar plexus chakra is our emotional centre. It aids

in control of the “digestion of life”, self-empowerment.

Solar Plexus Chakra gemstones are mostly yellow,

including: Amber, Ametrine, Golden Beryl, Citrine,

Yellow Jade, Yellow Jasper, Peridot, Smoky Quartz,

Yellow Sapphire, Sunstone, Tiger Eye, Yellow Topaz

and Yellow Tourmaline.

Rose Quartz


Located at center of chest at the level of

the heart. Colour is green (healing and

balance) or pink (unconditional love and




Further information on Crystal Healing is available on the Mantic Arts Workshops Facebook Group  On Mondays the daily theme is Crystal Healing.

Crystal Arts And Health Crystal Healing Training Workshop

Book Cover: Crystal Arts And Health Crystal Healing Training Workshop
Editions:Paperback - First: $ 40.00
ISBN: 9781495220401
Size: 15.20 x 22.90 cm
Pages: 54

Crystal Healing is about healing the etheric body which is the source of any imbalances that may manifest themselves in the physical body. An important aspect of this balance maintenance is keeping the flow of energy moving through the Chakra System. Various meditations, vibration frequencies and colour of gemstones can help with this process.

This 5 Lesson course explains the chakra system in relationship to mind, body and spirit, what crystals are helpful in the process and how to use them. Certificate of Completion is awarded after 80 % pass rate of online individual exam. Accredited by the World Metaphysical Association.


Lesson One

Ancient Egypt

The Ebers papyrus (Egypt) states the medicinal uses of many different healing gem stones. Healing with crystals is also recorded in India's Ayurvedic records and in traditional Chinese medicine from around five thousand years ago.

Celtic Circle of Life

Druids at Mabon Celebration

Celtic tribes in Britain from as early as 2,000 B.C., were unified by a priesthood known as Druids. Druids are one of the earliest known peoples to have used crystals in divination.

"Our health, in shamanic terms, is the result of our empowerment, or lack of it. It is the result of our ability or inability to tap into the flowing light of creation." Celtic

Clear Quartz Pendulum


Crystal Healing uses the Chakra System to "view" what is happening within the energy centres. By using a pendulum to test the sluggishness of a Chakra (by how freely the pendulum rotates) a "reading" can be taken and an appropriate crystal prescription can be made. Chapter 2 describes the Chakra Systems and what each chakra energy centre influences.

Rose Quartz Wand

A crystal Wand is used to unblock Chakras and release negative energy, used pointed up and circle counter-clock wise to release negative energy and use pointed down and clock wise to put positive energy into the Etheric Body, which is the Auric copy of the physical body.

Chakra Clear Crystal Wand

This wand combines Chakra Crystals and Clear Quartz wand for use of the "master healer" clear quartz and extra boost of Chakra stones.

Seven Major Chakra Systems

Crown Chakra – Clear Stones

Brow Chakra – Purple Stones

Throat Chakra – Blue Stones

Heart Chakra – Pink or Green Stones

Solar Plexus – Yellow Stones

Sacral Chakra – Orange Stones

Root Chakra - Red and Black Stones


Located at the base of the spine. Colour is red (life energy) or black (signifying stability or grounding). Governs adrenal glands, it looks after our bones, teeth, nails, spinal column, anus, rectum, colon, prostate gland, blood and cell building, circulation. Concerns about security, money, survival, individuality.

(Root Chakra).

Base Chakra gemstones are mostly red and black, including: Bloodstone, Red

Coral, Garnet, Haematite, Brown Jasper, Red Jasper, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz,

Ruby, Black Sapphire, Red Tiger Eye, Black Tourmaline.


Located at about three inches below the navel.

Colour is orange representing creativity and wisdom). Sexual organs, pelvic area, kidneys, bladder, body fluids.

The sacral chakra is associated with our relationships with others, our ability in giving and receiving,sexual / passionate love, and our creativity. Sacral Chakra gemstones are mostly orange, including: Amber, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Coral, Goldstone, Orange Jasper, Orange Sunstone, Tiger Eye and Topaz.



Located just below the ribs. Colour is yellow (presenting thought and self-determination). Pancreas, lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and nervous system.

The solar plexus chakra is our emotional centre. It aids in control of the "digestion of life", self-empowerment. 

Solar Plexus Chakra gemstones are mostly yellow, including: Amber, Ametrine, Golden Beryl, Citrine, Yellow Jade, Yellow Jasper, Peridot, Smoky Quartz, Yellow Sapphire, Sunstone, Tiger Eye, Yellow Topaz and Yellow Tourmaline.

Rose Quartz


Located at center of chest at the level of the heart. Colour is green (healing and balance) or pink (unconditional love and compassion).

Thymus gland, heart, upper back, lower lungs, blood, circulatory system and the skin. The heart chakra is about unconditional love, connection, acceptance, transformation and powerful healing. It is the centre of compassion, love, group consciousness and spirituality associated with a "oneness" with "all that is". Balances and bridges between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras.

Heart Chakra gemstones are mostly green and pink, including: Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Green Calcite, Charoite, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Green Fluorite,

Pink Fluorite, Jade, Green Jasper, Kunzite, Malachite, Peridot, Rhodochrosite, Pink Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green Sapphire, Pink Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Turquoise and Unakite.

Lapis Lazuli


Located at the throat. Colour is blue (Communication)

Thyroid gland, neck, throat and jaw, vocal chords, respiratory system, alimentary canal and arms.

The throat chakra is our communication centre, enhances our ability to think and express ourselves verbally. Release of emotions, grieving, matters of the mind.

Throat Chakra gemstones are mostly blue, including: Amazonite, Amber, Angelite, Aquamarine, Azurite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite, Blue Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Blue Fluorite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Blue Sapphire, Sodalite, Blue Tiger Eye, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline and Turquoise.



Located between and approximately one finger space above the brow. Colour is indigo (spiritual search). Pituitary gland, face, left eye, ears, nose, sinuses, cerebellum (lower brain) and central nervous system.

The third eye chakra is involved with our intuition, viewing our self-direction, higher consciousness, emotional and spiritual love centre.

Third Eye Chakra gemstones are mostly indigo, including: Amethyst, Angelite, Azurite, Blue Calcite, Charoite, Purple Fluorite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Sapphire, Sodalite, Sugilite, Tanzanite and Turquoise.

Clear Rock Quartz


Located at the crown of the head. Colour is violet (enlightenment) or white (purity, perfection and bliss).

Pineal gland, it looks after our cerebrum (upper brain) and right eye.

The crown chakra is the centre of our connection to the Divine, the search for truth, self-awareness, material detachment.

Crown Chakra gemstones are mostly clear or violet, including: Amethyst, Ametrine, Angelite, Charoite, Diamond, Lepidolite, Clear Quartz, Sugilite and Tanzanite.

Preparing Stones for use


Gem stones are cleansed by using running water or Bach's remedy in spring water (especially useful at functions when used repeatedly).

Tingsha Chimes

Tingsha chimes (sound) or a sounding fork can also be

used to cleanse crystals as well as an area used for Healing.

Sounding Fork

Passing crystals through incense such as sandalwood, frankincense, cedar or myrrh is also a traditional way of cleansing crystals and an area.


Amethyst Cluster

After crystals are cleansed they need to be charged. This can be done by placing them on crystal clusters.


Charging can also take place by placing crystals with carnelian stones. Crystals can also be charged by placing in sunlight, cautions for Amethyst and Rose Quartz which can fade in sunlight.

Programming Dedication for Healing

Then they are then dedicated to healing through meditation before being used in Crystal Healing sessions.

Meditations with Crystals

Candle Crystal Meditation

Kneel in front of crystal, facing north, light candle, meditate on light beings and light workers to be present with you, draw in white light, imagine it is filling your whole being, you will feel warmth and vitality passing through you, focus light in heart chakra, hold your hand over crystal and direct the light through your hand into the heart of the crystal. This is the dedication for love, freedom, truth and understanding.

Drawing white healing light into Crystal

Hold crystal in left hand, place

right hand over crystal, draw in white light through crown chakra, feel it descending in your heart chakra, then visual energy being drawn in from deep within in the earth through the feet, this energy warms you until it settles in your solar plexus, now feel the white light in your heart, join the shape or a colour take this symbol to your heart chakra, this will enable you to give your crystal unconditional love.

Let the white light move from your heart through your hands and into the stone. You should feel the stone warming up as you do this, if not, repeat the process. You may dedicate the stone to truth, light and understanding.

Palm stones can be held during Crystal Healing Sessions and for Meditation.

Rose Quartz – Heart Chakra, Burns, Swellings

Tiger Eye Palmstone

Self-confidence, Digestive System, Solar Plexus Chakra

Jade Palmstone

Good Balancer,

Heart Chakra



Good combination for

deep healing


Further Support is available on the Mantic Arts Workshops Facebook Group. The daily theme for Monday is Crystal Healing.

Crystal Arts And Health Herbalism Training Workshop

Herbalism is a healing art that sees the person in a holistic manner, the mind, the body, the spirit, as one. Lifting one's frame of mind with Aromatherapy or a herbal tea is as important as making a poultice for a boil or rash. It is about bringing balance back in a gentle, nurturing way that limits side-effects.

The WHO recognizes that for most of the world, herbal treatments are used as a necessity and Herblore is a vital tradition.This 9 Lesson Course explains the use of herbs in relation to the mind body and spirit and how to prepare them. Herbalism Final Exam 80% pass rate is needed to obtain Certificate of Completion. Accredited by the World Metaphysical Association.


Lesson One

History of Herbal Healing


Ancient Egyptians used hundreds of herbs for healing and rituals. The Ebers Papyrus dates from around 3550 BC. Ancient writing of Hippocrates (lived 460 to 370 BC) and Materia Medica (Science of Healing Drugs) of Pelanius Dioscurides (AD 40 to 90) wrote a compendium of more than 500 plants that remained an authoritative reference into the 17th century.

Ayurvedic (Indian) herbal medicine has the Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta in the 6th century BC) describes 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources, and 57 preparations based on animal sources.

TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine also has a long history of herblore and practical applications. The Shennong Bencoa Jing, compiled during the Han Dynasty but dating back to a much earlier date, possibly 2700 B.C., lists 365 medicinal plants and their uses.

Medical schools known as Bimaristan began to appear from the 9th century in the medieval Islamic world, and Ibn al-Baitar described more than 1,400 different plants, foods and drugs, with over 300 of which were his own original discoveries, in the 13th century.

The nun Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179) was an authority on medieval herbal medicine and wrote Physica of Plants.

The experimental scientific method was introduced into the field of Materia Medica in the 13th century by the Andalusian, an Arab botanist Abu Al-Abbas al-Nabati, the teacher of Ibn al-Baitar. Al-Nabati introduced empirical techniques in the testing, description and indentification of numerous Materia Medica, and he separated unverified reports from those supported by actual tests and observations. Both Henry the Eighth and Elizabeth the First were avid herbalist, Henry the Eights passed laws (1543) allowing people to continue to practice herbal medicine so the ordinary person would have access to medical care.

The English Physician Enlarged (1653) by Nicholas Culpeper included traditional medicine with astrology, magic and folklore was ridiculed by physicians of his day yet was very popular. The Age of Exploration and the Columbian Exchange introduced new medicinal plants to Europe. The Badianus Manuscript was an illustrated Aztec herbal translated into Latin in the 16th century.

The WHO recognizes that for most of the world, herbal treatments are used as a necessity and Herblore is a vital tradition.

Further herbal resources



Angel Ritual Workshop Journal

Angel Ritual Workshop Journal facilitates working magically with your Angels for better health and wellbeing for yourself and for sharing with others. Angel magic rituals are included for working with the seasons and for higher advanced rituals of aspecting Angel qualities with the help of your guardian Angel and Archangel Watchtowers. Work with the Angel of Harmony & Love for better relationships with yourself and others, the Angel of Prosperity and Abundance for using resources for the highest good and the Angel of Courage and Protection for things seen and unseen.



Angel Magic and Angel Ritual involves communing with and noticing the work of angels in our lives. If we listen, we can see and feel the results of their actions and listen to the language of love and support they speak. Where there is Love life is possible, Love won’t accept anything less and will bridge any perceived or existing gap. How many times has belief in love and well being made a situation that much more bearable and given strength to extend this source of strength to others. "Be not afraid" is a favourite quote of angels. Fear creates limits, manifests a sense of lack, disharmony and being afraid. With the help of Angels, we can love ourselves and others, be at peace, have what we need and not be afraid.


Some tools used in Angel magic and ritual are pendulums for dowsing, Angel affirmation cards, which are readily available to buy or you can make you own, I made a set with gold foil paper with some angel stickers for the plastic card case. White quartz crystal is a favourite healing Angel crystal. Rose Quartz is a love and healing crystal and Citrine is an abundance crystal and Amethyst and Gold are protection crystals. Doreen Virtue does some wonderful Chakra Clearing and Angel books and meditations. I highly recommend Margaret Neylon’s Angel Magic and other books, she is currently giving workshops on the subject. Louse Hays website and books are also helpful to nurture ourselves.

First we will set aside a space for angels, with a candle, some crystals, a figurine or picture of Angels and light a candle each day to get in the frame of mind to communicate with Angels. Some paper to write Angel affirmations with a gold pen, an Angel colour. Perfect Pendulum makes an Angel Archangel Pendulum chart. Get use to using the White quartz pendulum by using the dowsing chart.

White Quartz Pendulum

On the back it tells you the meaning of the different areas.

Once you are comfortable using a pendulum, you can use it for the Archangel Dowsing Chart to see what message is most beneficial for you to hear at the moment. Use the White Crystal Pendulum for this.

On the back of this chart it tells you what each Archangel’s Message is for you.

This is a simple exercise to use to hear what the Angels are saying.

Keep a An Angel dream journal, as dreams are also a favourite way to communicate.


Further workshop support is available via the Mantic Arts Workshops Facebook Group.  On Sundays the daily theme is Angel Ritual.


Dragon Magic Workshop Journal

Dragon Magic Workshop working with Elemental Dragons, Earth, Fire, Water and Air and how to work with a Dragon Mentor to become a Dragon Sorcerer. Spells for love, money, protection as well as weather witching with Air Dragons. Illustrations of Dragons by author Cara E. Moore.



Dragons are the keepers of Karma and are accomplished magicians and make excellent mentors. To start working with dragons in magical work it is best to set up a dragon shrine to alert them to your intentions. A shrine is as place of honour and can be more cluttered than an altar. It is a place we give the Dragon respect and give thanks for their existence in our lives.

Put Basil, Frankincense on your shrine, a candle, amber and carnelian crystals and a picture or figurine of dragon and light a candle each day to honour the Dragons.

To call dragons use this incantation:

"I call upon all ye in the Land of Dragon and I welcome the Ancient Wise Ones into my life and my home. I send my love and my respect and ask for the protection of a Dragon Lord Guardian. I am (state name) and I bid the dragons welcome. Blessed Be."


To help get in touch with your Dragon Mentor, guided visualizations are helpful. I recommend, "Here be Dragons" by Midnight of Cardiff.

Watching films such as Dragonheart or read myths and legends and stories about dragons help to set the background for working with dragons. A dragon hour can be set aside for this practice.

Draco Constellation mentioned in Dragonheart Film starring Sean Connery.

When you want to start working with Dragons magically, a working space or altar needs to be set up. Turquoise, Red, Orange, Purple, Green, White and Silver or Pastel colors are Dragon colors. Two candles are set up for balance, basil, incense, dragon symbol, a crystal wand for casting the circle and Dragon oracle cards are used in this space.

Dragon blood ink (recipe for this is on Page 6 or you can purchase brands such as Anna Riva’s Dragon Blood Ink) and quill pen and paper and red, blue, white, green and black beeswax candles are also useful when casting spells.

It is important to cast protection circles when working with dragons as they are powerful magical beings and innocent passer-bys could get accidently burned in the dragon’s enthusiasm. To take the circle down walk counter clockwise three times to disperse the circle.

List of Supplies for Working Magically with Dragons:

Altar cover in Turquoise, Red, Orange, Purple, Green, White and Silver or Pastel colors are Dragon colors

Two candles to use for balance

Basil, Frankincense, dragon blood resin incense

Crystal wand for casting circles

Dragon Oracle cards such as ones by Gillian Stokes

Dragon Blood Ink (see page 6 for recipe)

Quill pen for writing with ink

Paper, white and red for spells

Beeswax Candles: White (can be substituted for other colors) Green for money spells, Red for Love, Fire Drake Spells, Blue for healing spells, Black or White for Protection Spells and monthly House Blessing Ritual.

Feather for Weather Dragon Witching spells

*1 Part of powdered true Dragon's Blood Resin (it's the Key Ingredient)

*12-15 Parts of Alcohol (for the dilution of the resin)

*1 Part of Arabic Gum (for making the solution more Colloidal so that the ink stays on the Pen)

*few drops of essential oil of Cinnamon or Myrrh (optional)

The procedure is simple. Make all your resin a powder and add the ground Arabic Gum. Then add the alcohol just a little bit every time, till all the powder is dissolved completely. This might take some minutes.

Filter through a strainer on which you have attached a piece of cloth (a clean piece of cloth of course, but a cloth you will not need again because after that you will dump it).

Store the ink in a fancy Red Bottle and inscribe on it the name of your Ink. Keep on your altar ready to be used and trust me it will be used...widely!

Tip! Do this procedure in Waxing Moon. Moon phases are used, new moon for new beginnings, waxing moon (moon in the crescent of the letter D) for increase (new moon to full moon) and waning moon for decrease (moon in crescent of the letter C) (full moon to new moon).

Dragon's Blood ink is REALLY POWERFUL. Use it with caution! Use it only in Benevolent Spells!

Dragon’s Blood Ink and Quill Pen

Dragon Altar: Crystal wand for casting circles, two candles for balance, incense, dragon symbol, Basil plant, Dragon Oracle cards are used in this space for divination.

How to Mentor With A Dragon

When creating a circle to work in ask the Dragons to share their wisdom and work with you in your magical workings. As you get to know them, a dragon will come forward to work with you as a mentor.

Dragons are great protectors and use their strength and wisdom to guard magical beings and places. Place the Dragon Eye symbol on important buildings such as your home and place of work, magical books and mobiles.

Dragon Eye Symbol

Guardian of the House Dragon Spell

Use one of the Dragon pictures or an outdoor dragon figurine or gargoyle (dragon cousins, know as wards against evil)

Place the figurine or picture on dragon altar for a full month (full moon to full moon) and on a daily basis repeat this charm

"I charge you , image of the Realm of Dragon,

To guard my house and all within,

And to protect my garden from all harm, both seen and unseen.

May your astral self guard and protect my boundaries,

Sending back all negativity from whence it came.

Protect my home, my dragon friend.

So mote it be."

Repeat this charm every month on the full moon to reinforce its power.

After working with Dragons in your circle, doing the visualization meditations and maintaining your Dragon shrine, ask one of the Dragons you are working with to become your mentor.

Casting a Circle To Call Dragons

Cast a magic circle by envisioning a pool of white light all around you. Cast on the night of the full soon, raise arms high

Above your head and look up and repeat call three times.

"Hail Draconis,

I call upon you,

Hail Draconis

I do stir you.

All ye in the Realm of Dragon,

Hear my call

I do bring thee forth into my circle,

A Bid thee welcome.

Draconis, Draconis, Draconis."

Now tell the Dragons what you wish to learn from them. The Dragon who comes forward will be your Mentor.

After working with this mentor for a time, you can become a "dedicant dragon sorcerer" learning from your Dragon mentor.

Then you become an Initiation ceremony when the time is right and wear a dragon symbol to celebrate this event.

Example of a Dragon Pendant.

Dragon and Phoenix symbol symbolizes the balance in Yin (Phoenix) and Yang (Dragon).

Initiation Pledge (Source Dragon Magic Course British School of Yoga, part of the New Age Foundation Courses)

I (state name) do walk the path of the Ancient Wise Ones

I ( Name) do learn from their wisdom and beauty.

I (Name) do love with the loyalty of the dragon.

I (Name do serve with the courage of the dragon.

I (Name) do fly with the freedom of the dragon.

I (Name) do dedicate myself to the Realm of the Dragon.

I (Name) am now a dedicant dragon sorcerer and I do welcome all ye in the Dragon Lands.

Your Dragon Mentor proclaims:

I charge you, dedicant dragon sorcerer, to go forth in life with the strength, courage, love, wisdom and valour of the dragons. Know that we are forever by your side, ready to aid you in your tasks. I, your Dragon Lord Guardian, do welcome you to the Realm of the Dragons.

When you have finished your training you become a Dragon

Sorcerer, a sacred position that uses magic as a force of Karma

and as a protector.

Dragons often come and communicate while dreaming. It would be

worthwhile to keep a dream journal to further understand what messages are being sent. My Dragon mentor came in a dream, an Earth Dragon with sherry colored eyes. As a wood dragon in Chinese Horoscope this seemed to make sense. I have always been interested in Gardening and Nature.

Before working spells with Dragons or in general it is useful to make sure you have all the supplies you need before you start any ritual.

I have enclosed three worksheets, a dream journal page, two sheet worksheet for spells and one for candles to keep organized.

In the next sections we discuss the different type of Elemental Dragons, Earth, Fire, Water and Air and the types of magical workings done with each of these Dragons. Be sure to use the worksheet provided to help improve your magic.

The Celtic Wheel of the Year is below

Picture Source: BSY Lesson Five Magical Oils & Incense

Reviews:Tysha on Goodreads wrote:

4 out of 5 Stars.

Haven of Danger

A Nathan Vallor Investigation

Book Cover: Haven of Danger
Part of the A Nathan Vallor Investigation series:
Editions:Paperback - First: $ 12.00
ISBN: 9781493702879
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 274

Haven of Danger takes place in New England and is about Richmond, Virginia based private investigator Nathan Vallor’s investigation of the death of Amos Thompson, an artist from a prominent family in New England and a friend of Vallor’s fiancee, Jillian Hudson.

Amos’s mother wants to know more about her late son’s lifestyle and hires Vallor to investigate. Vallor soon finds out Mill Valley is not the idyllic town it appears to be and Amos’s sister, Verity, an antique dealer, has something to hide. Nathan is threatened, and brings in his back-up man, Hank, an ex-boxer, as he unravels the connecting web of intrigue that binds the villagers together in the trafficking of drugs.




Nathan Vallor, Private Investigator, sat at the linen-clad table of the travel club. It was a Friday morning in late September, and he was surrounded by suburbia socialites ranging in age from late twenties to early infinity. As fascinating a collection as these ladies were, Nathan wasn’t here for them.

Nathan’s sister, Anne, coordinator for this luncheon, approached the podium. Anne looked the part of a stylish hostess -- Coco Chanel would have been proud. Her blonde hair was cut in a fashionable shoulder-length page-boy and her green-eyes were made up in a lilac shadow that accented her lilac and white print suit dress. Nathan had settled on a pair of tan khaki trousers, dress shirt and a tan corduroy jacket, not as chic, but presentable on his six-one frame.


"Attention please ladies and gentleman,” Anne said giving Nathan a smile. “I’m happy to introduce Jillian Hudson, our speaker for the day and a close personal friend of mine. Jillian works for a travel agency downtown and has traveled extensively herself. She will share some of her travel tips as well as her experience. I hope you will make her feel welcome.”

Nathan watched as Jillian walked up to the microphone. She wore a dark navy-blue suit with a white geometrical pattern and a cream-colored blouse. Her dark-hair was pulled back with the
tortoise shell barrettes he had given her. He hadn’t seen her for the last ten days, since working on a case for an insurance adjuster in downtown Richmond. Nothing too heavy-duty, but it paid the rent.

“Thank you for that nice introduction, Anne. I’m happy to be here.”

Nathan smiled as this comment. He knew this speech was a major trauma to Jillian. She hated giving speeches. Nathan had a way of bringing Jillian out of her shyness. They had been dating seriously for the last six months and become engaged; a year after the murder of her accountant husband, Gary. Jillian had called Nathan to investigate his death and for her own protection.

Practiced facial expressions soon gave way to excitement as Jillian remembered her first paid vacation as a travel agent to the Caribbean. The audience fell silent. The clinking of silverware and hushed conversation vanished. She finished her speech saying, vacation packages available and made copies of a list of travel tips.”

Jillian smiled and made her exit.

“Jill,” Nathan called as Jillian was opening the glass door of the travel club.


“I really enjoyed your talk.”

“Well, uh, thanks.”

Nathan saw her blush. “Aren’t you staying for dessert?” Nathan asked, giving her his best heart-tugging smile.

She smiled back at his efforts. “No, I really must be going. I’ve been trying to reach Aunt Carol and finish my last minute packing.” She kissed him lightly on the lips and added, “I’m glad to see you.”

Nathan cupped her face in her hands. Her brown-sherry eyes glistened. “I’ve missed you.”

Jillian nodded and pulled away. “See you later, Nathan. Say “bye” to Anne for me. I’ll call her later.”

Nathan hoped Jillian’s hurried departure was due to the post-stress of her talk and wanting to finish packing for their trip to Mill Valley in New England; not because he had been working on a case.

Jillian knew he loved her; worshipped her was more like it. Though he was a tough guy, he was a romantic cavalier when it something his sister, Anne, had pointed out in the post mortem analysis that followed.

Nathan and Jillian would be attending the funeral of Mrs. Thompson’s son, Amos, a friend of Jillian’s Aunt Carol, Saturday afternoon in Mill Valley. Amos had died from an overdose and Mrs. Thompson wanted Nathan to “look into Amos’s death discretely”. Jillian would be house sitting for Aunt Carol’s migration to Florida after the funeral and making up brochures for the travel agency. It was a “working holiday” for both of them.

Nathan dialed his office’s answering machine by remote from the travel club. No surprise -- just a call from Hank saying he would keep “an eye on things”. Hank taught boxing lessons at the Boy’s Club downtown and served as a back-up man to Nathan. Hank had been Nathan’s mentor ever since he was a scrawny kid being raised by his Aunt Madge. Hank had been Madge’s answer to a “man-figure” in his life.

Nathan’s father had skipped-out long before Nathan could even remember him. Nathan’s mother had been left to raise him and Anne alone and had moved in with her sister Madge. Years later his mother was killed by a drunk-driver when he was seven. His Aunt Madge still lived at the house near St. Mary’s Hospital in north Richmond.

Aunt Madge had met Jillian, whom she liked. He hadn’t taken any other woman to meet Aunt Madge except for his former fiancée, Rene, a Cajun beauty from the Delta. Homesick, Rene had returned there. Nathan drove to his top-floor apartment in The Fan. He checked his answering machine there -- nothing. He glanced around his apartment. His kitchen was the most furnished. Cooking had become a survival-hobby for him. After his Aunt Madge, the Army had fed him, now he was improving himself between cases. He had even taken some extension classes at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in the art of cooking. He had joined the Army at the tender age of eighteen in 1980, the post-Vietnam and pre-Glasnost era. He served three of his four year stint in Germany as a mechanic.

Nathan went through a mental checklist -- office, okay, packed; his weapons were cleaned, a .38 Police Special and his .380 Walther PPK backup. His dark-blue Chevy Blazer was fueled and packed with Diet Pepsi and the thermoses of coffee and hot cocoa. Traveling and caffeine were a common interest for himself and Jillian.

After his trip to New England he’d have to take Jillian on a trip to Skyline Drive in the Blue Ridge Mountains to see the tree’s fall colors. Autumn was there favourite time of year.
It was good for Jillian to be visiting her Aunt Carol. She had fulfilled the same role in her life during the summer as Aunt Madge had in his. Jillian had been an only child though and had been sent to boarding school. She stayed on in Virginia after finishing school. Upon graduation from J. Sargeant Reynolds College she got a job as a travel agent.

Nathan gathered his garment bag and his official under the seat carry-one bag. Going out with a travel agent had its perks. His own list of travel hints taped on the fridge. Nathan crossed the Manchester Bridge to reach Jillian’s apartment off Hull Street. She still lived in the apartment she and her late husband, Gary, had shared. Jillian had changed from her business suit to black slacks, a white blouse and a mustard-colored cardigan for the trip. Her long hair was weaved into a single braid. He liked it better loose, but what the heck he hadn’t seen her for ten days -- he was adaptable.

Jillian’s own garment bag, a tasteful floral print with matching overnight bag and a leather briefcase sat on the Papuan chair next to the door. Her apartment had the sophisticated International Pier 1 look to it. Nathan carried Jillian’s garment bag down the concrete and metal steps to his Blazer.

“I see you packed supplies,” Jillian said as she neared the car.

“Of course.” Nathan unlocked and opened the door for Jillian. “What’s a car trip with survival rations and a Triple A travel agent co-pilot with maps.”

“Hmm, I bet you learned to read maps in the Army.”

“Yes,” Nathan said getting into the driver’s seat. “That and relying on my survival instincts.” He leaned over and kissed her.

Nathan headed back across the Manchester Bridge to get on 1-95 downtown. He wondered how involved this case would be. He had someone to defend now. He knew from being in the Army how important this was, when you were fighting for your life and things you believed in.


Herbal Primer

Book Cover: Herbal Primer
Editions:Paperback - First: $ 14.00
ISBN: 978-1494925017
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 118

Herbal Primer is a practical Herbal Primer for Herbalism Practitioners which includes sections on Aromatherapy Uses, Herbal Action Classifications and Herbs for Body Systems and Herbal Preparation for creams, compresses, decoctions, infusions, poultices and tinctures. Sections on Herbal Identification of Dried Herbs and Recipes for Herbal Products, Herbal Dyes, Incense, Pot-pourri and Teas.


Lesson One

History of Herbal Healing


Ancient Egyptians used hundreds of herbs for healing and rituals. The Ebers Papyrus dates from around 3550 BC. Ancient writing of Hippocrates (lived 460 to 370 BC) and Materia Medica (Science of Healing Drugs) of Pelanius Dioscurides (AD 40 to 90) wrote a compendium of more than 500 plants that remained an authoritative reference into the 17th century.

Ayurvedic (Indian) herbal medicine has the Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta in the 6th century BC) describes 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources, and 57 preparations based on animal sources.

TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine also has a long history of herblore and practical applications. The Shennong Bencoa Jing, compiled during the Han Dynasty but dating back to a much earlier date, possibly 2700 B.C., lists 365 medicinal plants and their uses.

Medical schools known as Bimaristan began to appear from the 9th century in the medieval Islamic world, and Ibn al-Baitar described more than 1,400 different plants, foods and drugs, with over 300 of which were his own original discoveries, in the 13th century.

The nun Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179) was an authority on medieval herbal medicine and wrote Physica of Plants.

The experimental scientific method was introduced into the field of Materia Medica in the 13th century by the Andalusian, an Arab botanist Abu Al-Abbas al-Nabati, the teacher of Ibn al-Baitar. Al-Nabati introduced empirical techniques in the testing, description and indentification of numerous Materia Medica, and he separated unverified reports from those supported by actual tests and observations. Both Henry the Eighth and Elizabeth the First were avid herbalist, Henry the Eights passed laws (1543) allowing people to continue to practice herbal medicine so the ordinary person would have access to medical care.

The English Physician Enlarged (1653) by Nicholas Culpeper included traditional medicine with astrology, magic and folklore was ridiculed by physicians of his day yet was very popular. The Age of Exploration and the Columbian Exchange introduced new medicinal plants to Europe. The Badianus Manuscript was an illustrated Aztec herbal translated into Latin in the 16th century.

The WHO recognizes that for most of the world, herbal treatments are used as a necessity and Herblore is a vital tradition.

Further herbal resources


Herbalism is a healing art that sees the person in a holistic manner, the mind, the body, the spirit, as one. Lifting one’s frame of mind with Aromatherapy or an herbal tea is as important as making a poultice for a boil or rash. It is about bringing balance back in a gentle, nurturing way that limits side-effects.

When visiting an Herbalist a history of the patient is taken. The goals of the treatment are discussed, be it Stress, troubling sleeping, general run-down feeling or something more specific such as a rash or Anxiety. It is important to complete this history, to ensure no detrimental interaction occurs between prescription drugs and conditions and herbal treatments. There are fewer side effects with Herbal treatments because the concentration of dosage is lower, but all herbs have to be used with a healthy respect.

Teas and herbal baths are the most gentle introduction and if they prove effective, capsules can be made for more ease of convenience. (such as ground Feverfew for a migraine).

Aromatherapy is an important part of Herbalism. Essential oils are extremely concentrated and must be mixed with carrier oils and reduced to ¼ of the dose for infants over 1 month old, such as chamomile or lavender. It is not recommended to use more stimulating essential oils as it puts a strain on a young child’s metabolism.

Most herbal teas and treatments used should show a result within 3 days and should be discontinued immediately if any adverse reaction occurs.

Herbalism is seen as a complementary medicine and an Herbalist will refer a client to a doctor for clarification of symptoms. One of the major benefits of Herbal treatment is its individual nature. Different combination of herbs are used to facilitate this nature of approach. Sometimes when a person is very unwell; a combination of conditions are present, herbs are used to bring the body back into balance, boosting the body’s own healing process.

Diet and Exercise are also an important aspect of Herbal treatment. Meditation can also be used to calm the mind and body.

After the initial session, future sessions are used for feedback on the effects of treatment and any modifications needed are discussed and implemented.

Knowledge obtained for Herbalism is an ongoing process, such as recent study on Rosehips by the Frederiksberg Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark . "Experts now believe the same rosehip ingredient may combat Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's disease and even heart disease. All are conditions in which inflammation plays an important role. Biochemist Dr Kaj Winther, from Frederiksberg Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark, who has a special interest in rosehips, said: "There's emerging evidence that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in rosehips might have quite a wide therapeutic effect." A small trial run by Dr. Winther showed that an herbal remedy made from the ground up seeds and shells of hips from the dog rose, Rosa canina, had a big impact on the pain of osteoarthritis. More than 80% of the 94 Danish men

and women with arthritic hips, knees or hands who took part in the study on rosehips reported a significant reduction in pain after taking the supplement for three weeks. They also cut their consumption of standard painkillers by 50%. The findings, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology last year, followed a Norwegian study which found that restricted movement caused by osteoarthritis was reduced by 40% in patients taking rosehips."

Herbal preparation, with the exception of essential oils, which is a complicated process, is within reach of most people, tinctures, poultices, infused oils, herbal teas and powders into capsules can all be done by hand.



Horizon’s Place And Time Meet

Book Cover: Horizon's Place And Time Meet
Editions:Paperback - First: $ 9.00
ISBN: 978-0955539404
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 30

Horizon's Place And Time Meet

Collection of Poems by Poet Cara E. Moore including photographs taken by author. Horizon's Place And Time Meet is a collection of poems that span over 20 years and have been featured in Art Galleries, National Writer's Association Mayfest Competition, Poetry Journals, Poetry Workshops, Public Readings and as a feature at the Funky Craft Fayre monthly event. Photographs taken by the poet are also featured to illustrate poems. The title is taken from the first poem, Horizon's Place And Time Meet. The theme of the collection is about what the focus of the poet's life will be and how to draw happiness and enlightenment from daily experiences.


horizon's place and time meet

Reviews:Peter Thabit Jones on Seventh Quarry, Summer Issue wrote:

Horizon’s Place and Time meet by Cara E. Moore, published by the author. Poems that display integrity in their questioning of the big issues of mankind and the small moments of individuality. The voice is clear, crisp and direct. A first collection that has an accompanying c.d.

Hatha Yoga & The Chakra System Workshop Journal

Hatha Yoga & The Chakra System Workshop Journal demonstrates the different hatha yoga practices that enhance the chakra system. It includes asanas, mandalas, mantras, meditations, and mudras as well as nutritional and skin care information associated with each dosha type. The illustrations are done by the author. This workshop helps to enhance your Yoga practice for holistic wellbeing for the Auric and Physical body.



Hatha Yoga is physical yoga that brings the body mind and spirit into balance. "Ha" is "Sun" for the masculine and "Tha" is Moon" for the feminine and Yoga is "union". Hatha Yoga is a form of Raja Yoga which consists of 8 limbs of Yoga.

1) Yamas (Abstentions): truth, non-violence, control of sexual energy, non-stealing, non-covetousness.

2) Niyamas (Observances): austeries, purity, contentment, study,

surrender of ego.

3) Asanas - Steady poses

4) Pranayama - control of vital energy (Prana)

5) Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses

6) Dharansa - concentration of the mind

7) Dhyana – meditation

8) Samadhi - the super-conscious state

The six Kriyas of Yoga are Neti , Dhauti, Basti, Nauli, Kapalbhati and Trakaka.


Neti- (nasal cleansing) Jala Neti (using warm water) with a Neti pot and salt

Dhauti – Cleansing technique of eyes, ears, tongue, oesophagus,

stomach, rectum and anus.

Basti- Yogic enema

Nauli- abdominal massage

Kapalbhati – frontal brain purification, breathing rapidly through the nostrils with emphasis on exhalation.

Trakaka – technique of gazing steadfastly upon an object such as a candle flame, mandala or yantra.

Prana is likened to the sun energy – dynamic and alive and the Moon is associated with mental energy.

Hatha Yoga develops the quality of human consciousness and is the science of physical and mental harmony. The union of Prana, Mind and Self.

The basis of the body is "Divine". The Spine has three main Nadis, Ida, Pingala & Srishummna. The connection of these three flows occurs in the Anja Chakra.

Srishummna runs along the spinal cord in the center, through the seven chakras – Mooladhaar at the base, and Sahasrar at the top.

Ida is connected to the left nostril and the left side of the body and the right brain hemisphere, introverted state of awareness, orientation in space, artistic, creative, music ability and subconscious. (Lunar Female Energy)

Pingala is connected to the right nostril and the right side of the body and the left hemisphere of the brain. Which has an externalized awareness, logical, sequential, mathematical, analytical and conscious, dynamic functions. (Solar Male Energy)

Traditionally Yoga is taught from a Guru. The word Guru is a combination of "Gu" which means darkness and "Ru" which means light. The Guru is a guide working within the parameters of "Namaste", I honor the Divine light within you. This type of instruction was to ensure that the correct method of learning was passed down from Guru to student.

When the body and mind are not functioning in harmony, there is a division between the physical and mental rhythms, which inevitably leads to sickness.

Your mind should be flexible and you should be able to adjust to circumstances. Courage is needed to face the inner visualizations as they dawn to be able to face internal hardships as well as external ones.

Enthusiasm, perseverance, discrimination, ("if something is detrimental leave it") unshakable faith and courage and avoiding the company of common people are seen as the six things that bring success in Yoga. Part of the positive thinking method is to seek constant inspiration. The idea of attaining perfection in itself generates energy and helps to maintain regularity of practice.

"Satsang" are meetings to discuss holy matters. "Udara Vritti" is the concept of having a large heart.


Shiva is consciousness and located in the crown chakra and Shakti is energy that is located in the base chakra. The goal of Hatha Yoga is to become harmonious and unified into one force. Each of the Chakras strengthens that area physically and provides a conduit to the next Chakra.

The Base Chakra or Root Chakra is associated with the Earth element and physical health, safety and security and black or red crystals. The Sacral Chakra is associated with the Water Element and the back area and reproductive organs and facilitates creativity and orange crystals are used for this Chakra.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the Fire Element and the Digestive System and Self-Empowerment, Tiger’s Eye and Citrine for Sun Energy are used for this area.

The Heart Chakra is associated with the Air Element and the heart and lung area and relationships between ourselves and others. Pink and Green crystals are used for this Chakra. The Thymus Chakra is also associated with the Air Element and also the immune system.

Turquoise and Amber are used for this Chakra, though not one of the seven main Chakras, its importance is being more relevant as pollution, stress and environment affect day to day living.

The Throat Chakra is associated with the Sound Element, throat area and communication. Blue stones are used for the throat area. The Brow Chakra is associated with the Light and Dark Element and Visualization. Purple stones are used to work with this Chakra. The Crown Chakra is associated with the Time and Space Element and Meditation. White and clear crystals are used for this Chakra.


Koshas are Auric body energy sheaths surrounding the physical body and are associated with food, air, mind, wisdom and bliss and the main Energy Chakras. This is where Crystal Healing (for the Auric and Physical Body) and Ayurveda (through food) heals all the levels.

Chakras Koshas

Muladhara Annamaya (Food Apparent Sheath)

Swadhisthana Annamaya (Food Apparent Sheath)

Manipura Annamaya (Food Apparent Sheath)

Anahata Pranamaya (Air Apparent Sheath) Pancha Vayu

Vishuddha Pranamaya (Air Apparent Sheath) 5 Winds

Anja Monomaya (Mind Apparent Sheath)

Vijnanamaya (Wisdom Apparent Sheath)

Sahasrara Anandamaya (Bliss Apparent Sheath)



Mantic Arts Workshops Facebook Group with daily theme. Wednesday is Hatha Yoga & Chakra System.