Tarotscopes at Crystal Arts And Health are done by Cara E. Moore. She is a Crystal Healing and Herbalism Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher. She also has a Fellow in the Mantic Arts through the British School of Yoga and the New Age Foundation. She trained in Angelic Tarot with a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and Henry Seltzer, founder of Astrograph in Learn the Basics of Astrology.
The cards being used are the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine for angel affirmations and guidance, with astrological, crystal and herbal support information. Images used are all rights reserved by Radleigh Valentine, Hays Publishing, published 2012 and are being used under fair usage conditions. When using herbal aromatherapy products be sure to check for any contraindications with any medications being taken, any other herbal product being used as well as any existing medical conditions or allergies.
There is a four card reading for each of the Astrological signs. The first card is the spiritual theme for the month. The second card is for the 1st ten days of the month, the third card is for the next ten days and the fourth card is for the final 10 days of the Month. Scroll down to find your sign and that will be your August 2020 Tarotscope.

March 21 – April 19
The Emperor (Archangel Michael)
Spiritual Theme: Organization and logic. Structure and discipline. Leadership. Archangel Michael means “Who is Like God” and is associated with the Astrological sign Aries and the element of Fire. The crystals for this card are Fire agate, Hematite, Red Jasper, Garnet and Bloodstone. The essential oil is Black Pepper oil and Dragon’s Blood. Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. The affirmation for this card is about personal power and being organized.
1st – 10th (Five of Air) An unwise choice. Learn what you can from this situation. Review everyone’s motives. User and taker situation. Venus in Aquarius gives the energy to allow detachment to bring about a positive conclusion. Traditionally a “cut your losses card”. Crystals for this card are blue lace agate and rose quartz. Essential oil is Almond. 11th – 21st (Eight of Air) An illusion of being trapped. A lack of self-confidence. Afraid to take action. Jupiter in Gemini. Archangels Sachiel (Ruler of Jupiter) and Zadkiel (angel of Gemini). Crystals are Lapis lazuli, Green Agate, and Aquamarine. Essential oils are Frankincense, Chamomile, and Lavender. Affirmation:“I am free to observe my mind from a place of utter peace where new opportunities soon become apparent to me.” 22nd – 31st (Knight of Earth) Loyal, dedicated, honorable, kind. Time to buckle down and get things done! Honor your commitments. A guardian angel. Element Air of Earth. Archangels Raphiel (Air) and Uriel (Water) Taurus and Aries. Crystals are Rhodonite and Rose Quartz. Essential Oils are Coriander and Eucalyptus. “I allow my efforts to shine through the work I do.”

April 20 – May 20
Release (Archangel Azrael)
Spiritual theme: The end of a phase or situation. Spiritual Transformation. Time to move on. (Death card in traditional Tarot). Azrael means “Whom God Helps”. This Archangel is associated with the mythical bird the Phoenix. The crystals Tiger’s Eye and Jet, the Sacral Chakra and the essential oil Cypress are linked with this card. The affirmation for this card is transforming change is positive.
1st – 10th (Five of Earth) Fears surrounding money Mercury in Venus. The wisdom to accept help from others. Uncertain self-employment. Affirmation: “I am okay with asking for help.” Crystals are green and yellow calcite, rose quartz. Essential oils are Myrrh, Orange, and Patchouli. 11th – 21st (Five of Air) An unwise choice. Learn what you can from this situation. Review everyone’s motives. User and taker situation. Venus in Aquarius gives the energy to allow detachment to bring about a positive conclusion. Traditionally a “cut your losses card”. Crystals for this card are blue lace agate and rose quartz. Essential oil is Almond. 22nd – 31st (King of Air) Traits include being brilliant, impartial, professional, and diplomatic. Speaking the mind with confidence and the need to seek professional advice. It is a card signaling the need of balancing mental and emotional considerations. The crystal yellow calcite can help in seeing the greatest good for all. Essential oil is Basil.

May 21 – June 20
The Star (Archangel Jophiel)
Spiritual theme: Happy times. Make positive, optimistic long-term plans. On the right path. Jophiel means “Beauty of God”. This archangel helps to rise above negativity and pessimism to regain optimism. This card is linked to the Crown Chakra and the crystals Onyx, Sapphire, Amethyst, Kyanite and the essential oil Lime. The affirmation for this card is acting and speaking for the highest good for all.
1st – 10th (Page of Fire) Outgoing, Creative, Confident, Mischievous. News of exciting new endeavor. Use your own originality and ingenuity. Element: Earth of Fire. Archangels Uriel (ruler of the Element of Earth) and Michael (ruler of the Element of Fire) Crystals are Golden Beryl, Leopardskin Jasper, and Red Tiger’s Eye. Essential oils are Cinnamon and myrrh. Affirmation: “I cherish my physical form and use it to rejoice in the gift of life.” 11th – 21st (Page of Earth) Scholarly, dependable, patient, successful. Good news about financial matters. Wanting to do something more challenging. A new area of study. The crystal Carnelian can help you remain grounded and focused. The essential oils are Patchouli and Cypress. 22nd – 31st (Ten of Earth) A very happy family life. Financial security. Finding magic in the little things in life. Mercury in Virgo. Archangels Raphael (ruler of the Mercury) and Metatron (angel of Virgo). Crystals are Herkimer diamond, Peridot, and Malachite. Essential oils are Basil, Frankincense, and Geranium. This card indicates inheritance and community. Affirmation: “I gratefully acknowledge my bloodline and bless it seven generations in either direction.”

June 21 – July 22
The Star (Archangel Jophiel)
Spiritual theme: Happy times. Make positive, optimistic long-term plans. On the right path. Jophiel means “Beauty of God”. This archangel helps to rise above negativity and pessimism to regain optimism. This card is linked to the Crown Chakra and the crystals Onyx, Sapphire, Amethyst, Kyanite and the essential oil Lime. The affirmation for this card is acting and speaking for the highest good for all.
1st – 10th (Page of Fire) Outgoing, Creative, Confident, Mischievous. News of exciting new endeavor. Use your own originality and ingenuity. Element: Earth of Fire. Archangels Uriel (ruler of the Element of Earth) and Michael (ruler of the Element of Fire) Crystals are Golden Beryl, Leopardskin Jasper, and Red Tiger’s Eye. Essential oils are Cinnamon and myrrh. Affirmation: “I cherish my physical form and use it to rejoice in the gift of life.” 11th – 21st (Ace of Earth) Inflow of abundance. A promising business venture. Important documents or contracts. Crystals are Red Jasper and Jet. Earth element. Archangel Uriel. Essential oil is Patchouli. 22nd – 31st (Seven of Fire) Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground. Choose your battles wisely. Mars in Leo. Powerful needs to be relevant in the world and make a difference. Affirmation: “I have the courage to stand up for myself and those who are vulnerable.” Crystals are Red Jasper and Fire Agate. The essential oil is Cedarwood.

July 23 – August 22
The Star (Archangel Jophiel)
Spiritual theme: Happy times. Make positive, optimistic long-term plans. On the right path. Jophiel means “Beauty of God”. This archangel helps to rise above negativity and pessimism to regain optimism. This card is linked to the Crown Chakra and the crystals Onyx, Sapphire, Amethyst, Kyanite and the essential oil Lime. The affirmation for this card is acting and speaking for the highest good for all.
1st – 10th (Eight of Earth) Skilled work is rewarded. Learning all there is to know about a topic. Going back to school. Sun in Virgo. Affirmation: “I dedicate myself to perfecting my work.” Crystals are amber and peridot. Essential oil is Frankincense. 11th – 21st (Page of Fire) Outgoing, Creative, Confident, Mischievous. News of exciting new endeavor. Use your own originality and ingenuity. Element: Earth of Fire. Archangels Uriel (ruler of the Element of Earth) and Michael (ruler of the Element of Fire) Crystals are Golden Beryl, Leopardskin Jasper, and Red Tiger’s Eye. Essential oils are Cinnamon and myrrh. Affirmation: “I cherish my physical form and use it to rejoice in the gift of life.” 22nd – 31st (Ace of Earth) Inflow of abundance. A promising business venture. Important documents or contracts. Crystals are Red Jasper and Jet. Earth element. Archangel Uriel. Essential oil is Patchouli.

August 23 – September 22
The Star (Archangel Jophiel)
Spiritual theme: Happy times. Make positive, optimistic long-term plans. On the right path. Jophiel means “Beauty of God”. This archangel helps to rise above negativity and pessimism to regain optimism. This card is linked to the Crown Chakra and the crystals Onyx, Sapphire, Amethyst, Kyanite and the essential oil Lime. The affirmation for this card is acting and speaking for the highest good for all.
1st – 10th (Eight of Fire) Events moving at a fast pace. Delays are over. Many things happening at once. Mercury in Sagittarius. Archangels Raphael (Mercury) and Raguel (angel of Sagittarius). Gemstones are Fluorite, Green Aventurine, and Lapis Lazuli. Essential oils are Peppermint, Lemon, and Sandalwood. Affirmation: “I am focused and prepared to leap at the opportunities that will speed me along the path of manifesting my dreams.” 11th – 21st (Seven of Water) Symbolizes a complex decision. There is a need for research and then making a decision. Stop procrastinating. This card can indicate an addiction or unhealthy behavior. Venus in Scorpio. Affirmation: I am working for my best and highest good today. Essential oil is Lavender. 22nd – 31st (Seven of Air) Plans need revision. More going on than meets the eye. Poor timing. Moon in Aquarius. Archangels Gabriel (ruler of the Moon) and Uriel (angel of Aquarius). Crystals are Amazonite, Lapis Lazuli, and Celestite. Affirmation: “I allow my higher self to edit thoughts for truth and to speak this truth.”

September 23 – October 22
Justice (Archangel Raguel)
Spiritual theme: Fair and just decisions. Do what you know is right. Stand up for your beliefs. Archangel Raguel is there to help when we find ourselves in a challenging situation and encourages reconciliation and compromise. The card is associated with the astrological sign Libra, the Heart Chakra, the crystals Periodot and Aventurine and the essential oils Rose and Ylang ylang. The affirmation for this card is about creating harmony and peace in all situations and relationships.
1st – 10th (Eight of Fire) Events moving at a fast pace. Delays are over. Many things happening at once. Mercury in Sagittarius. Archangels Raphael (Mercury) and Raguel (angel of Sagittarius). Gemstones are Fluorite, Green Aventurine, and Lapis Lazuli. Essential oils are Peppermint, Lemon, and Sandalwood. Affirmation: “I am focused and prepared to leap at the opportunities that will speed me along the path of manifesting my dreams.” 11th – 21st (Seven of Water) Symbolizes a complex decision. There is a need for research and then making a decision. Stop procrastinating. This card can indicate an addiction or unhealthy behavior. Venus in Scorpio. Affirmation: I am working for my best and highest good today. Essential oil is Lavender. 22nd – 31st (Queen of Earth) Thoughtful, creative, warm, sensible. Make time for those around you. Take a sensible approach. Deal with challenges in a kind and understanding manner. Angelic advice is to ask Archangel Cassiel to help you be as disciplined with setting time apart for self-care as well as caring for others. Affirmation: I care for myself first, so that I may care for others. Essential oil is Rose, Chamomile, baking bread, and Frankincense. Crystals are snowflake obsidian, selenite, and garnet.

October 23 – November 21
Justice (Archangel Raguel)
Spiritual theme: Fair and just decisions. Do what you know is right. Stand up for your beliefs. Archangel Raguel is there to help when we find ourselves in a challenging situation and encourages reconciliation and compromise. The card is associated with the astrological sign Libra, the Heart Chakra, the crystals Periodot and Aventurine and the essential oils Rose and Ylang ylang. The affirmation for this card is about creating harmony and peace in all situations and relationships.
1st – 10th (Six of Air) Things are looking up. The end of a difficult situation. Taking a trip. Mercury in Aquarius. Archangels Uriel (Angel of Aquarius) and Raphael (Ruler of Mercury). The gemstone is Kyanite. Scents associated with this card are fresh snow and the Northwind. Affirmation: “I clear my mind and open it up to perceive the bigger picture.” 11th – 21st (Knight of Fire) Passionate, adventurous, self-assured, restless. A sudden event that needs immediate attention. Time is of the essence. Think things through carefully. The crystal is Red Jasper for grounding before forwarding motion. The essential oil is Rose. 22nd – 31st (Nine of Fire) Don’t give up. Protect that which you’ve created. Have courage and believe in yourself. Moon in Sagittarius. Archangels Sachiel and Gabriel. The crystals Lapis lazuli and Selenite can help with protection and protecting personal boundaries. The essential oils are Frankincense and Jasmine. Affirmation: I allow past disappointments to be forgiven and approach new situations with an open heart with healthy boundaries.

November 22 – December 21
Renewal (Archangel Jeremiel)
Spiritual theme: Review and evaluate. A favorable assessment of the facts. Time to move in a new direction. Indicated close to completing an important task. Traditionally known as the Judgment card. Jeremiel means “mercy of God”. Associated with the planet Pluto (planet of transformation), the element of Fire and a review of Life, the Archangel Azrael and the Crown Chakra. Crystals are Kyanite, Moldavite, Meteorite, Labradorite and Snowflake Obsidian. Essential oil is Cypress. Affirmation is “The divine spark within me grows stronger as I hark my calling and make choices that align me with my life purpose.”
1st – 10th (King of Air) Traits include being brilliant, impartial, professional and diplomatic. Speaking the mind with confidence and the need to seek professional advice. It is a card signaling the need of balancing mental and emotional considerations. The crystal yellow calcite can help in seeing the greatest good for all. Essential oil is Basil. 11th – 21st (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.”Essential oil is cherry. 22nd – 31st (Seven of Air) Plans need revision. More going on than meets the eye. Poor timing. Moon in Aquarius. Archangels Gabriel (ruler of the Moon) and Uriel (angel of Aquarius). Crystals are Amazonite, Lapis Lazuli and Celestite. Affirmation: I allow my higher self to edit thoughts for truth and to speak this truth.

December 22 – January 19
The Emperor (Archangel Michael)
Spiritual Theme: Organization and logic. Structure and discipline. Leadership. Archangel Michael means “Who is Like God” and is associated with the Astrological sign Aries and the element of Fire. The crystals for this card are Fire agate, Hematite, Red Jasper, Garnet and Bloodstone. The essential oil is Black Pepper oil and Dragon’s Blood. Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. The affirmation for this card is about personal power and being organized.
1st – 10th (Knight of Air) Intelligent, Decisive, Idealistic, Tireless. Events that occur with great speed. Take time to carefully review your options. Creative solutions. Aquarius (Air) and Capricorn (Earth, grounded) Clashing ideals are at the root of the situation at hand. The best solution is not to be too rigid. Stand up for beliefs. Use Black Tourmaline to help you stay adaptable to new input. Be kind. Ask Archangel Cassiel to help keep you humble and remember that you only see a portion of the time/space continuum and little of what lies beyond. 11th – 21st (Four of Earth) Being too frivolous or two cautious with money. Good business decisions. Giving to those less fortunate. Sun in Capricorn. Archangels Michael (the Sun) and Azrael (angel of Capricorn). Crystals are Black tourmaline, imperial topaz, and sunstone. Essential oils are Cardamom, juniper, and vetivert. Affirmation: “I am abundant enough to share generously and to respond to the needs of others.” This card when paired with the Emperor card is a reinforcing card associated with control, structure, and order. 22nd – 31st (Queen of Water) Tender hearted, Empathetic, Patient, Loving. Relationships develop to a new level. Trust your intuition. Care for yourself and others. Cancer and Gemini. Archangel Gabriel (Cancer) and Raphael (Gemini) Crystals are Pearl, selenite, and moonstone. Essential oil is Jasmine. If self-care is a problem, call on Archangel Michael for help to remain strong and healthy.

January 20 – February 18
The Sun (Archangel Uriel)
Spiritual theme: Happy outcome! Brilliant new ideas that lead to success. Have confidence in yourself. Uriel means “light of God”. This card is associated with the Sun, Archangel Michael and the Solar Plexus Chakra, happiness and prosperity. Crystals are Citrine, Yellow Calcite and Pyrite. Essential oil is Bergamot. Affirmation is “I let my lightshine.”
1st – 10th (Two of Water) A relationship that continues to grow close. Forgiveness. A positive resolution of a conflict. Venus in Cancer. ArchangelGabriel for (Moon/Cancer) Gemstones are Selenite, Rose Quartz, and Green Aventurine. Essential oils are Lilac and rose. Affirmation:“I open my heart to ever-increasing levels of self-love and trust that my relationships in the world reflect how much I love and honor myself.” 11th – 21st (King of Air) Traits include being brilliant, impartial, professional, and diplomatic. Speaking the mind with confidence and the need to seek professional advice. It is a card signaling the need of balancing mental and emotional considerations. The crystal yellow calcite can help in seeing the greatest good for all. Essential oil is Basil. 22nd – 31st (Nine of Air) Expecting the worst. Self-fulfilling prophecies. Sleepless nights. Mars in Gemini. Crystals are rose quartz, citrine, and smoky quartz. Affirmation: I breathe out worry and breathe in peace. Essential oils are rose, lemon, and sandalwood.

February 19 – March 20
The Sun (Archangel Uriel)
Spiritual theme: Happy outcome! Brilliant new ideas that lead to success. Have confidence in yourself. Uriel means “light of God”. This card is associated with the Sun, Archangel Michael and the Solar Plexus Chakra, happiness and prosperity. Crystals are Citrine, Yellow Calcite and Pyrite. Essential oil is Bergamot. Affirmation is “I let my lightshine.”
1st – 10th (Four of Fire) Contentment, Peace, Abundance. A happy home life. The successful completion of a project. Venus in Aries. Archangel Anael (Ruler of Venus) and Camael (Ruler of Mars/Aries). Crystals are Ruby, Rhodocrosite, Pink Tourmaline, and Rose Quartz. Essential oil is Rose. Affirmation: “I revel in the infinite abundance of being and open my heart to feeling the exuberance of being alive. I use any excuse to celebrate life.” 11th – 21st (Ten of Air) The end of a difficult situation. Embrace the change and expect things to get better now. Recovering from an addiction. Sun in Gemini, Associated with the Archangel Michael and the crystal Citrine. Essential oil is Frankincense. Affirmation: “I release and forgive the past. I also release any worries of the future. I am in the now, relaxed, safely protected, and loved by Angels.” 22nd – 31st (Ten of Water) A contented and rewarding family life. Your emotional and material needs are met. Trustworthy relationships. Mars in Pisces (gentle and loving energy). Affirmation: I relate from the heart. Crystals are Turquoise. Essential oil is Pine.
Have a great month!
Thanks for reading the August 2020 Tarotscope. In addition to knowing your Sun Sign, knowing your Moon and Rising sign is useful for a more in-depth reading. This can be found out by knowing the time and place of your birth. Sites like Astrodienst and offer free birth charts. Once these are known read the corresponding Astrological sign reading.
I hope everyone has a Blessed New Year 2020. Happy Lammas (August 1st) and Happy Imbolc in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse will be the energies in place till the next Solar and Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon, Capricorn Full Moon on Sunday, July 5, 2020, is a lunar eclipse
Lunar eclipse opposite Mercury puts the emphasis on communicating feelings. Mercury squared Mars is associated with rushed thinking and harsh words. The Lunar Eclipse trine Uranus is linked to positive changes in life without the chaos and upset, especially new ways of doing things, with making new friends and having adventures. Mercury sextile Uranus brings exciting news, psychic abilities will be heightened. The Moon conjunct fixed star Ascell is associated with influential friends, good fortune and happiness and the fixed star Nunki is linked to truthfulness, optimism and a religious nature. The Sun conjunct Sirius is associated with success in business and domestic situations. The fixed star Alhena enhances music and artistic ability in the written or spoken word. The Asteroid Vesta is linked to hearth and home and family with emotional security stemming from devotion and caring for others. This Lunar Eclipse placement is linked to more personal freedom and is auspicious for starting new businesses.
New Moon June 21st 2020 Solar Eclipse at 00°21′ Cancer
This Solar Eclipse quincunx Saturn is associated with obligations over freedom. Being flexible and working hard with patience and self-discipline will help to get past any restrictions at this time. These limitations may be due to ill health or extra workload creating extra pressures at this time. Prioritizing the most important tasks and focusing on these will help create a better balance to make sure these priorities are met. This Solar Eclipse pairs with the June 5th Lunar Eclipse and then pairs with the July 5th Lunar eclipse and continues to influence till the November 30, 2020 lunar eclipse.
Full moon on Monday, August 3, 2020 in Aquarius 11°45′
This Full Moon is square Uranus are associated with unpredictable changes and unusual occurrences and the need for stimulation. It is not a good time to make spur of the moment changes. Using intuition and being flexible with help with making needed adjustments during this time. Also Mercury is opposite Saturn which is usually associated with bad news and negative thinking. This Full Moon is in the Constellation of Capricornus but close to the first star in the Constellation Aquarius star Albali which is the left hand of the Water Bearer and has the nature of Saturn and Mercury.
New Moon August 18, 2020 26° Leo 35’
This New Moon forms a trine to Mars and a quincunx to Saturn and harmonizes with the North Node. This Leo Moon is a good time to focus on goals, creative activities, and hobbies and to focus on relationships with children. It is also a good time for increasing self-confidence, taking control of our lives and being warm and generous to others. The energy of Leo, a fire sign, is open, warm, and generous and caring which can focus on to incorporate into daily life.
In June the planets Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are in retrograde as well as Uranus (August 15th).
Pluto Retrograde April 25 at 25° Capricorn and ends on October 4 at 22° Capricorn
Pluto is conjunct Jupiter during this retrograde.Being generous, kind and focusing on evolving Spirituality is helpful to get through this difficult time. Being controlling or manipulation because of past experiences need to be dealt with and needs to be let go. Detoxification is needed to let go of destructive patterns. The Jupiter conjunct Pluto is associated with being driven and focused. Business success, wealth, travel and a better career are associated with this placement. This Jupiter Pluto conjunct is square Mars which is associated with the fear of Death and extreme ruthlessness, being self-righteous and being obsessed with thoughts and words. This can lead to selfishness, greed, Nationalism, victimization and revenge. The square to Mercury also makes long-distance travel difficult and is associated with respiratory problems. This square to Mercury is also associated with limits to freedom of movement, education and freedom of speech. This is also a time of propaganda and lies so checking the sources of information is important. By being ethical, kind and generous and focusing on the Spiritual this can be a time of growth that is associated with Jupiter by the end of this retrograde.
Saturn Retrograde May 11 at 1° Aquarius and ends on September 29 at 25° Capricorn
The fixed star Altair conjunct Saturn in the constellation Aquila the Eagle and is associated with the USA and space exploration, clairvoyance and the Zodiac sign Scorpio. This placement is also associated with hospital treatment, inability to work, isolation and Depression. During this retrograde situations that don’t attribute usual hardworking and responsible Saturn traits are focused on to improve short comings and pay karmic debt.
Jupiter Retrograde May 14 at 27° Capricorn and ends on September 12 at 17° Capricorn
The Sun trine Jupiter aspect is associated with self confidence, harmonious relationships and enthusiasm. Generosity, journeys, studies, business and legal matters are favored at this time. With the other retrograde outer planets at this time the focus will be on inner growth and spirituality with the possibility of increased wealth. Jupiter conjunct Pluto provides the drive to accomplish things you have a passion about during this time. The Sun trine Pluto is associated with transformation and eliminating bad habits and clutter from your life.
Neptune Retrograde June 23 at 21° Pisces and ends on November 28 at 18° Pisces
Neptune in retrograde is associated with the peeling away of fantasies of dreams and visions and bringing into focus the reality of situations. During a Neptune Retrograde the source of pain you are trying to escape may be revealed. There may be a risk of misdiagnosis in health matters so second opinions are recommended especially during this time.
Chiron Retrograde July 10, 2020 in Aries to December 15, 2020
This retrograde is a time to use the pain of our wounds to be used to promote positive action.During this time Aries will be in Mars which is associated with action and independence and personal power. See link for Chiron retrograde meditation exercises.
Uranus Retrograde August 15, 2020, to January 14, 2020 10° Taurus to 06° Taurus
Positive features of Uranus are intuition and being original. During retrogrades it is more difficult to be yourself without causing problems for others and yourself. Anxiety, spasms, and nervous conditions and changes in personality can be symptoms of internalizing the energy associated with Uranus. During this time it is possible to make internal changes to be able to manifest outward changes when the retrograde turns direct. The objective should be how to be yourself without causing difficulties that may alienate you from the community.
For a list of Astrological Events in 2020
Astrolabe does a planet Astroweather transit reading based on the birth chart. lists monthly retrogrades. One question Celtic cross readings are available via the Crystal Arts And Health website and the Bmystic Shop has a selection of readings, Three Mode Spread, the Triskele, Lunar Reading, Celtic cross readings and Year Ahead readings. Cara E. Moore, BSYA (Crys.)