March 2019 Tarotscopes at Crystal Arts And Health are done by Cara E. Moore. She is a Crystal Healing and Herbalism Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher. She also has a Fellow in the Mantic Arts through the British School of Yoga and the New Age Foundation. She trained in Angelic Tarot with Lisa Eddy, a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and Henry Seltzer, founder of Astrograph in Learn the Basics of Astrology.
The cards being used are the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine for angel affirmations and guidance, with astrological, crystal and herbal support information. Images used are all rights reserved by Radleigh Valentine, Hays Publishing, published 2012 and are being used under fair usage conditions. When using herbal aromatherapy products be sure to check for any contraindications with any medications being taken, any other herbal product being used as well as any existing medical conditions or allergies.
There is a four card reading for each of the Astrological signs. The first card is the spiritual theme for the month. The second card is for the 1st ten days of the month, the third card is for the next ten days and the fourth card is for the final 10 days of the Month. Scroll down to find your sign and that will be your March 2019 Tarotscope.

March 21 – April 19
The Empress (Archangel Gabriel)
Spiritual Theme: Lavish abundance. Give birth to your dream. Nurture yourself and others. Gabriel means “Strength of God” Associated with the planet Venus and the element of Water. This card is associated with Archangels Anael and Chamuel and the Heart and Sacral Chakra. Crystals are Chrysocolla, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Rhodochrosite, Green tourmaline and Pink tourmaline. Affirmation: “I am limitlessly abundant and creative.” Essential oils are Rose and Ylang, ylang.
1st – 10th (Ten of Air) The end of a difficult situation. Embrace the change and expect things to get better now. Recovering from an addiction. Sun in Gemini, Associated with the Archangel Michael and the crystal Citrine.

April 20 – May 20
The Sun (Archangel Uriel)
Spiritual theme: Happy outcome! Brilliant new ideas that lead to success. Have confidence in yourself. Uriel means “light of God”. This card is associated with the Sun, Archangel Michael and the Solar Plexus Chakra, happiness and prosperity. Crystals are Citrine, Yellow Calcite and Pyrite. Essential oil is Bergamot. Affirmation is”I let my lightshine.”
1st – 10th (Two of Water) A relationship that continues to grow close. Forgiveness. A positive resolution of a conflict. Venus in Cancer. ArchangelGabriel for (Moon/Cancer) Gemstone areSelenite, Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine. Essential oils are Lilac and rose. Affirmation

May 21 – June 20
Balance (Archangel Zadkiel)
Spiritual theme: The need for balance and moderation. Cooperation and compromise. Wait for perfect timing. Traditional name is the Temperance card. Zadkiel means “righteousness of God”. Associated with the sign of Sagittarius and the element of Fire. Archangels Sachiel and Raguel. Heart Chakra, Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Crystals are the Golden topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst and Diamond. Essentials oils are Cedar, Nutmeg, Peppermint and Hyssops. Affirmation:”I’m on fire with the excitement of my own vision and wherever it takes me, I go with complete faith.”
1st – 10th (Four of Air) Time to rest or take a vacation. Allow more time before making a decision. Jupiter in Libra. Archangels Sachiel (ruler of Jupiter) and Jophiel (angel of Libra). Meditation may provide answers. Affirmation

June 21 – July 22
The Moon (Archangel Haniel)
Spiritual Theme: Psychic insights. Events behind the scenes. Release fears that hold you back. Archangel Haniel means “Joy of God”. He is the Archangel of finding joy in relationship with the Divine as opposed to circumstances. This Archangel helps heal emotionally from stress and sorrow. Haniel helps creativity from artistic projects, being more productive, enjoying humor and finding hope. This card is associated with the Zodiac sign Pisces and the planets Jupiter and Neptune. Water element. Crystals are the Pearl, Emerald and Amethyst. Third Eye Chakra. Essential oil is Ylang ylang. Affirmation is”I compassionately and fearlessly accept and flow with my emotions.”
1st – 10th (Nine of Earth) Enjoying life’s little luxuries, spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. Affirmation: I am grateful to be able to bring beauty and abundance into the world.”

July 23 – August 22
Awakening (Archangel Gabriel)
Spiritual Theme: Look at things from a different perspective. A temporary standstill. It is important to be yourself. Gabriel means, “God is my strength”. Traditional Hanged Man card. Planet Neptune and Water element. Crystals are Amethyst, lepidolite, coral and aquamarine. Need to reduce the blame and judgment levels otherwise the “limbo” this card brings will last longer. Essential oil is Ylang-ylang.
1st – 10th (Page of Water) Intuitive, sensitive, artistic, friendly. A new person enters your life. A relationship begins a new phase. Heightened psychic abilities. Angelic advice for this card is to allow yourself to dream. Archangels Uriel (Guardian of the Earth Element) and Gabriel (Guardian of the Water Element) Crystal is Mother of Pearl.

August 23 – September 22
Strength (Archangel Ariel)
Spiritual theme: Great inner strength. Release harsh judgments. Forgiveness and compassion. Ariel means “Lioness of God” and the Archangel is known for beauty and angelic wisdom as well as nature and animals. This Archangel works in tandem with Angel Raphael to heal animals. Archangel Ariel helps manifests material needs. The crystals associated with this card are Ruby and Red Goldstone and the Heart Chakra and the essential oil Bergamot and Rose. The affirmation for this card is seeing life as a positive journey and accepting your highest good life path.
1st – 10th (Eight of Earth) Skilled work is rewarded. Learning all there is to know about a topic. Going back to school. Sun in Virgo. Affirmation: “I dedicate myself to perfecting my work.” Crystals are amber and peridot.

September 23 – October 22
The High Priestess (Archangel Haniel)
Spiritual Theme: Listen to your intuition. Have patience. Consider carefully what you want before acting. Haniel means “Grace of God” and is associated with the Moon, our emotions, our personal needs and the feminine. Water element. Crystals Lapis lazuli, moonstone, carnelian, pearl, obsidian and Jet. Affirmation: “I trust my intuition.”
1st – 10th (Two of Earth) Too much going on at once. The need to make a decision. Consider a more playful approach. Need to remove drama situations or people from life. Jupiter in Capricorn. Affirmation: I am prepared to take risks to achieve my goals. Crystals are

October 23 – November 21
The Magician (Archangel Raziel)
Spiritual Theme: You are ready. You have the resources or the ability to manifest them. Life is magical. Raziel means “Secrets of God” and is associated with the planet Mercury and the ability to manifest dreams through positive thoughts. The crystals associated with this card are Aquamarine and Citrine, the Throat Chakra and the essential oil Sandalwood. The affirmation for this card is expression.
1st – 10th (Nine of Air) Expecting the worst. Self-fulfilling prophecies. Sleepless nights. Mars in Gemini. Crystals are rose quartz, citrine

November 22 – December 21
Strength (Archangel Ariel)
Spiritual theme: Great inner strength. Release harsh judgments. Forgiveness and compassion. Ariel means “Lioness of God” and the Archangel is known for beauty and angelic wisdom as well as nature and animals. This Archangel works in tandem with Angel Raphael to heal animals. Archangel Ariel helps manifests material needs. The crystals associated with this card are Ruby and Red Goldstone and the Heart Chakra and the essential oil Bergamot and Rose. The affirmation for this card is seeing life as a positive journey and accepting your highest good life path.1st – 10th (Eight of Water) A desire to move on. Search for something more meaningful. Spiritual and emotional growth. Saturn in Pisces. Affirmation: I respect myself to move on from situations that no longer serve my highest good. The crystal for this card is

December 22 – January 19
Unity (Archangel Sandalphon)
Spiritual Theme: Traditional viewpoints or methods. Spiritual organizations. Seek out mentors or like-minded friends. Hierophant is the traditional card. Archangel Sandalphon delivers prayers from Earth to Heaven and is associated with the astrological sign Taurus ruled by Venus. The crystals Turquoise and Jade and the Throat Chakra and lime essential oil is associated with this card. The affirmation for this card is about grounding spirituality into everyday life.
1st – 10th (Queen of Air) Traits: Independent, experienced, realistic, and witty. Objective decision making, clearing away all that no longer serves you. Seeing the humor in the situation. Crystals are green Calcite, Jade, Watermelon Tourmaline. Affirmation: “I manifest abundance with ease. Paying attention to detail, I lovingly share with those in my care.” Essential oils are Watermelon, Geranium

January 20 – February 18
Release (Archangel Azrael)
Spiritual theme: The end of a phase or
situation. Spiritual Transformation. Time to move on. (Death card in
traditional Tarot). Azrael means “Whom God Helps”. This Archangel is associated with the
mythical bird the Phoenix. The crystals
Tiger’s Eye and Jet, the Sacral Chakra and the essential oil Cypress are linked
with this card. The affirmation for this
card is transforming change is positive.
1st – 10th (Five of Fire) Competing goals. Bothersome details. Conflict with others. Saturn in Leo. Archangels Cassiel (Saturn) and Raziel (angel of Leo) Crystals are Golden

February 19 – March 20
Unity (Archangel Sandalphon)
Spiritual Theme: Traditional viewpoints or methods. Spiritual organizations. Seek out mentors or like minded friends. Hierophant is the traditional card. Archangel Sandalphon delivers prayers from Earth to Heaven and is associated with the astrological sign Taurus ruled by Venus. The crystals Turquoise and Jade and the Throat Chakra and lime essential oil is associated with this card. The affirmation for this card is about grounding spirituality into everyday life.
1st – 10th (Ace of Water). Falling in love or a resurgence of a relationship. Spiritual growth and for
Have a great month!
Thanks for reading
Hope everyone has a Blessed New Year 2019 and Spring Equinox, Ostara, Alban Eilir, “Light of the Earth” March 20th.
The New Moon
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse January 5th 2019 15° 25′ Capricorn
This New Moon Solar Eclipse has a close alignment with the fixed star Vega in Lyra Constellation, The Harp. This alignment is associated with poetic, generous, optimistic and creative energy good for starting or growing a business. Getting rid of clutter and having structures in place help optimize this placement. The Solar Eclipse sextile Neptune enhances creativity for Musicians, Artists and Actors. It is also a time associated with vivid dreams and enhanced psychic abilities. Saturn sextile Neptune is associated with material gain through Spirituality. This aspect is also associated with finding and building a dream home.
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse January 21st 2019 00°51 Leo
This Lunar eclipse is associated with Change and Opportunity. There will be a need for adaptability, patience, self-control and an open mind. The Moon square Uranus is associated with mood swings and feeling jumpy. Outbursts from friends and family may also cause upset. Mercury Square Venus may also cause tension. Shocking news may occur and changes to plans may be needed. Double check any travel plans. The fixed star Pi Puppis at 00°35′ Leo Sign in the Argo Constellation is linked to prosperity and voyages. Another fixed star Altair at 02°02′ Aquarius Sign is associated with bold energy but also with envy in written communications.
New Moon March 6th 15 ° 47′ Pisces
The energy of this moon in Pisces is a time associated with taking things on Faith and projects that need creativity and imagination with the new Moon’s conjunction to Neptune, square to Jupiter, and sextile to Mars. The people most affected with this New Moon’s placement are people born with personal planets and points at approximately 12 to 20 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces).
Full Moon March 20th 0 ° 09′ Libra
This full moon will affect people born with personal planets and points at approximately 25 to 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) and 0 to 3 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly. (Café Astrology) Mars moves into Pluto on this day and brings extra creativity. The Sun moves into Aries which is associated with strength in Relationships. This Full Moon is on the Spring Equinox which like the sign Libra is associated with Balance. The Venus Mars square can be unsettling to the Libra diplomatic energy the next day after the Full Moon if anger is involved. Read the above link further for each of the Zodiac signs Full moon Horoscope.
Mercury Retrograde at 29° Pisces and ends on March 28 at 16° Pisces
During Mercury Retrogrades, business plans are uncertain and you may find people from your past may come back into your life. During this retrograde Pisces is conjunct with the minor planet Chiron in the Pegasus Constellation and the fixed star Scheat. Scheat is associated with unfavorable health and domestic situations and misfortunes around water. Mercury is associated with communication which may be negative at this time but the conjunct with Chiron allows hurts to heard and healed. Pisces conjunct Neptune and Fixed star Achernar at 15°34′ Pisces gives success in matters of public office and religion when good values are emphasized.
For a list of Astrological Events in 2018
Astrolabe does a planet Astroweather transit reading based on the birth chart. lists monthly retrogrades.
Further angelic correspondence information is available via the Big Juicy Book of Holistic Tarot Card Meanings Major Arcana and Minor Arcana available from
One question Celtic cross readings are available via the Crystal Arts And Health website and the Bmystic Shop has a selection of readings, Three Mode Spread, the Triskele, Lunar Reading, Celtic cross readings and Year Ahead readings. Cara E. Moore, BSYA (Crys.) (Herb.) FMANF, Yoga Teaching (Hatha Yoga)